Chapter 13 - Getting to know you

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It was nearly time to pack up and head home when Simon popped his head round my office door. I wonder what he wanted.

'Hey Castiel, I've invited loads of you guys out for drinks tonight and you're also welcome. Tim, your sports writer has the details. Cya.' Drinks with the boss? What could possibly go wrong? I will have to limit myself in case I do something stupid like throwing up everywhere or start singing. I'm really not very good at it.

When I got in, I had a message waiting for me off Jess. Oh god, I really wasn't in the mood. 'Beep. Hey honey-bear. Just me. Thought you may have been back already. You best not be avoiding me. Anyway, call me, I miss you.'

I love her and everything but she is clingy. And bitchy. I do one thing wrong, like get in a minute later than expected and she goes off on one. She'll have to get used to it now I'm so far away. Maybe it'll lighten her up a bit. Though after a whole year of being together, I doubt it.

At 8, I make my way to the bar I was told and hunt out a familiar face. God I really didn't pay attention today. Maybe I recognise that woman, Susan? I go up to her and she greets me. Good, she does work with me thank god.

I spot some of the lads with the boss and make my way over. Best show my face so he knows I bothered. Drinks with the mates is not really something I do all the time so I probably won't be staying long. Most the time I just hang out playing sports and stuff. I find it hard to get personal with guys so I keep it strictly sports.

'Awesome, Castiel is here. Come meet some of the other guys. I'm off to say hi to the girls over there.' Then he leaves. Damn. May as well make an effort since I'm here.

I chat and mingle for a while before I decide to leave. I'm finishing up a rather boring conversation on politics when I decide to make my exit. Before I reach the door, I get pulled to one side.

'Save me please?' Its Simon.

'Sure but what's in it for me?' I joke.

'To not get fired. Jesus I'm joking! Sorry you won't get fired. I just need some decent company. Everyone is either boring or to afraid to have a genuine conversation with me. After our conversation earlier, you seem like you'd be different and actually be normal.'

'Er thanks I guess. So to the bar?' I suggest and he nods willingly.

'Shots? I need a quick buzz to liven myself up. Those conversations have nearly killed me.'

'Sure. Why not?' I order 2 shots of Sambuca and we down them immediately. 'Bluergh.'

'Can't handle your own order Castiel?' he laughs.

'I can but they never taste very nice. And call me Cas. Its a bit easier to say and my friends tend to call me that.'

'Friends? I feel honored!' he jested.

We chat for ages as the others start to go home. A few join us here and there but we tend not to move from the bar and quick access to booze. Its quite fun getting hammered with the boss. He is getting just as worse for wear as I am.

At closing time we head out. 'That was fun. We should hang out more often! But without those wet blankets of course.'

'I'd like that.' I replied honestly. 'How about something with a little less drink next time so we can remember what we talk about? Like a game of tennis perhaps? I noticed you seem pretty athletic like me.'

'Sure. Find us a place for Friday after work. If that's good for you.'

We make our way to the cab rank a few blocks over.

'You could have had it aaaaall. Rollin in the deeeep.' Simon stars drunkenly singing the song that was on at the bar as we left. It was like baby angels.

'You what?' and he burst out laughing. Shit, did I say that out loud?

'Oh my god I am sorry. I didn't mean to say it out loud. You have an amazing voice, even though you are drunk.'

'Noted.' He smiled and we got to our destination. I hopped in a cab and quickly said my goodbyes. His arm brushed mine as he went to shake my hand and it shocked me a little. I was super drunk. Time for bed I think.

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