Chapter 20 - The funeral

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I was in my New York office when I got the phone call. 'Hello Simon speaking.'

'Hi, it's me Cas.' He sounded upset. 'I didn't know who else to call. It's my father...' He was clearly struggling to get it out. '...He... He died last night.' I knew I had to see him instantly.

'Where are you? I am coming to get you.'

'I am about to get a plane home to Virginia. The funeral is in 2 days.'

'Right, I am going to meet you in Virginia. Send me your address in a text.'

I had to go. I hadn't strictly needed to come to New York. There was a tiny emergency with one of my apartments - which I could have handled over the phone, but I needed to get away from Boston for a little while. To get away from Castiel. It was too painful seeing him every day.

I fell for him the minute I laid eyes on him. There was something warming and familiar about him that I just couldn't place. He was clearly a good choice of friend and he always made me laugh and kept me entertained. He could also keep up with my athleticism which was rarity. He also gave as good as he got, and took no notice of my cockiness.

I didn't really think he was gay like me but he definately felt something for me, flirting without even realising and twitching whenever I touched him, even before I came out to him (so I knew it wasn't because he was uncomfortable with my sexuality). I even tried to hint at the fact I liked him when he asked if I was seeing anyone, but I knew it was a stretch for him to realise what I was doing. And he had a girlfriend.

Jessica was horrible but it wasn't my place to say anything. I sort of got the impression he didn't like her much and was just staying with her because he was confused and thought being with a really hot girl would fix it - I couldn't be certain though.

His birthday was when I planned on telling him how I felt but that sorta fell apart. We had so much fun at the game and when we got back to mine, my original intention was to play him a song after the photo thing. I thought maybe a song would give him a hint to how I felt, and if he didnt get it, I would just tell him. But he started crying after the photo and revealed that he had just broke up with that bint. Aweful timing and he seemed pretty cut up about it so maybe he had liked her more than I first thought.

When he fell asleep in my arms, I had to use every bit of strength in me not to kiss him. I honestly don't get like this over guys usually. I am gay but I am far more reserved than this. I hadn't found that special someone yet and I thought Cas may have just been the one. He reminded me of this holiday crush I had once - that was the time I realised I was gay.

After that holiday I came out to my parents. My dad sort of disowned me but when I was 18 I was given my bank account and I just packed up all my stuff and left. Set up my company from the money I had and that was that.

I hadn't heard Cas talk about his parents really, there just wasn't a reason to, but I understood they were close. I had to stay in New York for another day as I had got roped into a couple of meetings when I arrived but I was sure as hell going to make it to the funeral, to be there for him.

I couldn't get to Virginia fast enough. I arrived at his house, which had a few guests already walking about the place. I went straight into the garden where most of the guests seemed to be. I spotted him in the corner and he looked exhausted. He was chatting to his ex, Jessica. He seemed to be getting along a little too well with her. Maybe he had got back with her or something...

I went into the house before he noticed me and took a look around at all the family photo's scattered around the place. I rested my eyes on one photo in particular that I just couldn't stop staring at. It was of Cas at what looked like a beach in California. I recognised it because I spent many summers there.

'Ah, that's a favourite of mine.' A womans voice rang out. It must be his mother. 'He loved that holiday. Actually he loved it at first but he fell out with a friend at the end of it and I've never seen him so upset.' Something rang familiar with me but I couldn't quite place it.

'Actually I sort of suspected something, er, romantic happened but it wasn't my place to say. Star I think his name was.' Oh god, it wasn't... it couldn't be. I looked up into the womans eyes. It was, I would recognise her anywhere. I think she sort of recognised me to as she looked like she had seen a ghost when I turned round.

Castiel was T! How did I not notice? I guess I had changed quite a bit since he last seen me. I was much taller, minus the puppy fat and plus quite a lot of muscle and tan. My hair was shorter now as well. But Cas, he was still quite the same. He was a little taller, shorter than me unlike on the holiday, more toned and tanned. His hair was lighter now, probably from all the travelling. So thats why he seemed so familiar.

Does he know? He can't do otherwise he would have surely said something. 'He went looking for you once you know, when he took a gap year. Spent the whole summer in California asking around without any luck.' His mother seemed sincere. So I guess he had regretted the way he treated me afterwards and came looking. He would have definitely said something if he realised who I was.

'Hi Shiela. I'm so sorry about Tom.' I pulled her in for a hug. She relaxed into it and I think this confirmed her suspicions. 'I didn't know until just now who you all were. Neither does Cas. Please don't say anything.'

'It's ok dear. I'll go find him for you.' She left me to take it all in.

'You came.' He smiled a bit and looked relieved. 'Thank you. I am so sorry but I didn't know who else to call.'

'Anytime. I'd do anything for you.'

The funeral went ahead and people went back to the house. I had to say goodbye before Cas went back to the house as I was needed back in New York for a few more days. 'Thank you for having me here Shiela, Tom was a great man. Cas, I'll talk to you back in Boston when you return.' I gave them both a hug and started to walk away. I don't think Cas really noticed my slip about knowing his parents so I thought I'd add one more hint to arouse his suspicions - he needed to realise who I was in his own way. So I hollered back 'Goodbye T!' and left it at that.

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