Chapter 14 - All about you

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Work was pretty relaxed for the first week. A few of us were nursing major hangovers on Tuesday, as was the boss, so we mostly just spent the day organising our stuff, meeting everyone properly and discussing our ideas.

The rest of the week was spent in meetings with various people discussing what was expected of us, the launch issue and general style we were expected to fit around. We were all given research tasks, even us none researchers, so we could get plenty of ideas ready for next week when we began serious business.

I hadn't spoken to Simon all week apart from in a few of the meetings, strictly business. I didn't exactly remember much from the other night, other than that I got hammered with him. Oh and that weird shock I got when he brushed past my arm.

It was Friday lunchtime when he popped into my office for a quick chat. 'We still on for later?' Oh yes, the tennis match. I thought I had dreamt suggesting that.

'Of course. That's if you still want to be beaten.' I still had time to make some calls and book us in somewhere. The gym I had tried last week had tennis courts.

'Oh that won't be happening. I am actually rather good.' He was cocky and confident.

'We shall see.' I was rather good myself.

A phone call later and I had us slotted in at the gym. Luckily there had been a cancellation about an hour after we finish up at work. I would have to swing by my apartment and pick up my racket though. I was only a quick cab ride away thank god.

'Ready?' He had swung by my office, racket in hand.

'Gotta make a quick detour to mine to grab my things. Woke up late and rushed out without them this morning.' I hope he bought the lie. I think he did as he just shrugged and headed out. I followed and hailed down a cab as we got outside.

There was a message on my machine when I got in but I chose to ignore it. It would only be Jess, and it would be embarrassing. I went in my room and grabbed my stuff. Simon politely stayed by the front door. Thank god, my apartment was a mess!

When we got to the gym's front desk, I signed us in. 'Ah, Mr Roberts. Thank you for booking with us today. Here is a handy information guide with all the details you need to book a slot with us. Hopefully next time you can arrange a slot in advance and don't need to worry about last minute vacancies.' Damn. So close.

'Aha! I knew you forgot.' I turned a shade of red and playfully nudged him in the arm.

'I'll knock that smile off your face soon enough when I win.' I replied.

It was a good game. I hadn't enjoyed tennis this much in ages. 'We'll have to do this again sometime' I shouted over the net.

'Oi stop trying to distract me. But I agree.' What was distracting was how good he looked with his muscles out. But not in a gay way of course. I just admired how toned he was.

I ended up winning, not by much though. 'Told you I'd win.' I gloated.

'Yeh, yeh. Next time!'

'Fancy coming back to mine to watch the game tonight?' I asked after we had showered.

'Why not? Can't have too much of sports.'

When we got to my apartment however, this clearly wasn't going to happen.

'Baby, where have you been? I was waiting ages for you and I broke a nail trying to jimmy your door open.' Jess was waiting outside.

'Another time?' Simon looked apologetic and I mouthed goodbye to him.

'How dare you not be home. You ruined my surprise!' I was in for an ear-full tonight...

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