Chapter 1 - Mutation

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*Leilani-Lorali Strucker*

'Dear diary, yesterday was mine and Lauren's birthday. We are eight years old and we love to hold it over Andy's head how we're older. Today, my class is going on a field trip to the railroad tracks. We're learning about history and how people would jump on trains and hide. Its time to go to school, so this is it for now.'

-Later, at the Railroad Tracks-

Our teacher put us into pairs and said we could walk around for a little, while she went to find our lunch cooler. The boy I was with, Nathan, was a mean kid. He was enjoying himself, dragging me around to wherever he felt like going. I was getting tired of it so I stopped letting him pull my arm, standing straight. 

"Stop pulling me everywhere. I want to stay in one spot for a little bit." I looked at him, my eyes slightly narrowed as I tried to express that I was serious. He laughed at me and stepped closer, getting in my face. I took a few steps back because, well, his breath stinks. He kept walking closer and I kept walking back until, eventually, I was at the edge of the tracks. He looked around, a thoughtful look on his face. He got a dark smirk before shoving me. 

I put my arms in front of myself, seeing him coming at me. I felt a strange sensation and opened my eyes to see Nathan falling right through me. I spun around, seeing him fall to the tracks instead of me. I looked down at my hands to see them fading and reappearing. I freaked out and didn't hear Nathan saying his jacket was stuck. I ran to the restroom, faintly hearing a train horn blaring closely. I got to the single restroom and stared into the mirror, I had strange markings all over my face and my eyes were glowing white. I started to panic and all I could think about was getting back to normal.

I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting off tears. When I opened my eyes, the marks and eyes were gone. I looked normal again. I grinned and rushed outside the bathroom, only to hear my classmates crying and my teacher talking with policemen. My face paled and I slowly walked over to where my teacher was, lightly tapping on her arm. She looked at me and gasped, hugging me tightly.

"What happened?" I nearly whispered the question but she heard.

"Nathan fell onto the tracks and," She stopped, seemingly unable to say more. She then got a strange look on her face as she asked me, "Where were you? You were Nathan's partner." 

The lie spilled so quickly and calmly out of my mouth I almost thought it was the truth, "I had to go to the restroom, so I told him I would be right back and to stay put." I looked her in the eyes as I said this. She nodded slightly before suddenly remembering the officer who stood there watching us. I walked back to the rest of my class quietly, thinking over the fact that I, Leilani-Lorali Strucker, was a mutant.

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