Chapter 4 - Yay! We're Fugitives!

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"It just started happening, I-i couldn't stop. I was just so angry,"

"Andy, son, how could you do that? Mutants are not allowed to use their abilities as a destructive force." Dad seemed mad at Andy, I didn't understand though. How could he not be trying to help his son when he's going through this.

"Dad, this is how mutant abilities first appear." Lauren was cautious. I, however, am not.

"They come out during times of high emotion, or when there's danger," I spoke quickly, trying not to remember the way my powers manifested.

"Lauren, Leilani. I know I talk about my work but I don't think that suddenly makes you two experts on the subject." His words were thrown harshly at us.

"Mom, Dad, I know because-" Lauren cut herself off, worried about what would happen if she told them. I decided to continue for her,

"How do you think we got out of that gym?"

"What are you saying Lorali? Lauren?"

Lauren found it in her to speak again, "I got us out."

"Lauren? You too? what is Leilani our only normal child now?" We all flinched at our mother's words.

"Remember when we were coming back from that concert at church? And the truck almost hit us?" Mom started shaking her head, a terrified expression plastered on her face. "For weeks you were saying it was a miracle we didn't die. Mom, it wasn't a miracle."

"That was four years ago, you didn't tell anybody?"

"Mom, who was I going to tell? Not Dad, he puts people like us in jail."

"I only prosecute the mutants who break the law, Lauren"

"You mean the ones like me?" Andy seethed

"And me?" I spoke up, a calmer tone covering my anger. I sent a telepathic message to Andy after saying

"Andy, you need to go upstairs and pack a bag as quickly as you can. Me and Lauren already have ours packed and I'm about to move them to my car. Only get the essentials."

Andy's eyes went wide but he did as told. I got to work on quietly moving our bags from mine and Lauren's room, and into the car in the garage. 

"Lorali? How did you get your abilities?" Mom asked quietly.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Mom."

"You were only 8 years old, it was at the train tracks. When that boy, Noah-"

"It was Nathan." I cut in sharply. She nodded,

"When he, when he, died." 

"Yes, Mom, it was my fault he died that day." Just as I finished getting the bags to the car, Andy came downstairs. Me and Lauren walked to him as soon as we heard a knock at the door. Both Dad and Mom went to get it and we heard them talking. I heard my mother say,

"They're inside. Come on in." I looked to Lauren and we each grabbed one of Andy's hands. We ran to my SUV and Lauren sat in the passenger seat. Andy was about to get in the back, but I dragged him to the driver's seat.

"Drive Andy!" Lauren yelled the second I was in. He fumbled but he did his best, getting us out of the garage as the door burst open.

"Lauren, shield us for as long as you can, I'm gonna try to make the car invisible."

"Lei, you've never covered this much before. You need to be careful!" I nodded at her before crouching in the trunk of the car, among all our bags. I closed my eyes and tried to tune out the chaos around me. I felt a painful, but sweet, tingling in my head and arms. It reached all the way to my fingertips, I began working on pushing it further, closing it around the car like an ornament being wrapped in newspaper, before being put back in the box. I felt it snap into place and I threw my eyes open,

"Lauren drop the shield now!" I shouted. My twin did as I asked and I could see the bewilderment on the faces of the Sentinel Service man. So long, Jace Turner.

"So guys, yay! We're fugitives!" I sarcastically shouted.

-Time Skip-

We had been driving for a while but I made us stop at a gas station.

"We need to change our appearances so that we won't be recognized as easily," I stated. "I'm going to change the molecules in our hair and eyes, to make us look different." I decided to start with Andy, slowly changing his brown hair to red. Next, I did his eyes, turning them emerald green.

"Lauren, your turn," I told her, as I began changing her hair to a different shade of reddish-brown. I made her eyes an icy blue. After I finished her eyes I did my own hair red-orange, before making my eyes a shade of light hazel-brown.

"We need to find somewhere to sleep for the night, so let's get back on the road." And that was exactly what we did.

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