Chapter 3 - Well, We're a Big Bunch of Freaks

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 Lauren and I were getting ready for the dance, with me putting the final touches of my makeup on and her curling the last few strands of her hair. I put my hair into a sloppy braid and threw on casual clothes because it was a casual dance. I sat down and waited for Lauren to finish putting her hoop earrings.

"Let's go, Lei. We have to try and push for that 11:30 curfew time." She smiled, probably thinking about how she'll get to see her boyfriend. I nodded to her and we walked downstairs, quickly convinced mom, then went to the garage. I climbed in the passenger seat of Lauren's car and buckled.

I heard a quiet shuffling noise in the backseat and had to stifle a laugh, Andy was gonna scare the shit out of Lauren. She had only just started the car when he spoke up,

"Yo" Lauren jumped so high, I thought she would hit her head on the ceiling of the small car.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him, sending me a small glare for laughing. Our brother responded by shrugging while saying,

"I snuck out" Lauren, who seemingly didn't understand what he had said, questioned him more.

"Didn't you tell Mom you were going to bed?" Andy rolled his eyes, and I spoke for him. 

"That's why they call it sneaking, Lauren" another glare was sent my way from my dearest twin sister. Andy got the conversation back on track with a sassy tone,

"Yeah. Can we go now?" 

"You can't," My stick-in-the-mud sister replied, "What if she finds out?"

"If I get caught, I'll tell her I was going down to Ian's. You two won't get in trouble." Lauren still didn't ease up, and it showed in her face.

Andy pitched his pity plea, "When was the last time I got to go out on a weekend? It's like I'm a one-one of those baby cows they keep in the crates."

"Veal?" I offered

"Yeah. I'm being raised like a veal" He sighed lightly. What happened next was a twin thing, a strange occurrence for others, but completely natural to us.

"You really want to go to a dance? After everything that's been going on at school?" We spoke together, in the exact same tone of voice.

Our baby brother sighed, "You mean my fan club? Yeah, whatever. I'm used to them." I felt bad but Lauren merely groaned before starting the car and driving away from our house.

We walked in, glancing around a bit. Lauren immediately found Jack. She sauntered over to him and they started making out, to which Andy and I had different reactions. I rolled my eyes and tried not to feel annoyed. My twin knew that mutants had Soulmates, but she dated this guy anyway. My brother, on the other hand, made a comment that made me let out a very un-lady-like snort,

"Okay, that's enough. Leave room for Jesus." Andy and Jack had a small but awkward conversation, and as we were walking away Andy shouted, "Don't get pregnant!" I slapped the back of his head and Lauren flipped him off.

"Andy, I'm gonna go dance, I know you won't come with me even if I beg, but do you think you'll be okay here?" He seemed annoyed that I would even ask, only rolling his eyes and walking away. I shrugged and went off to dance.

-Time Skip Brought To You By The Beautiful Love Of Lorna And Marcos-

The room started shaking. I heard Lauren shout somewhere near me,

"I need to find my brother and sister!" I turned and rushed straight to her as Jack was pulled away by the crowd. Me and Lauren fought our way to the shower rooms, as we had seen Andy's bullies leave from there. We rushed to Andy, getting him to stop screaming. I was practically dragging him while Lauren used her abilities to keep the rubble off of us. As we got to the car I muttered under my breath,

"Well, we're a big bunch of freaks, this family."

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