Chapter 8 - Worth Less Than Your Life

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Hey everybody! Its been a while, I know. But I'm back with another chapter! I hope you enjoy it💙


Dad was attempting to get Lorna's attention.

"Listen to me, a whole lot of things have happened that you don't know about" He looked between her and me. I was against the bars closest to Lorna, with her right next to me. "We need to stick together," He seemed desperate.

"Are you asking me- us- for help?" Lorna looked like she wanted to laugh. "You do remember our last meeting, right?" She sarcastically questioned.

"I know Marcos," This piqued her attention, and she slowly got closer to him. "I was working with him, that's partly why I'm here" Now my interest was piqued.

"Partly?" He turned to look at me, and unfamiliar emotion gleaming in his eyes, eyes that reminded me so much of my baby brother.

"I was trying to get his help to break you out- both of you." He rushed, turning to Lorna slightly. I was shocked, he actually cared. "Marcos was helping, but we got caught by sentinel services."

Lorna got annoyed, "Oh so not only did you try to put me in prison forever, but you almost got Marcos killed?!" She turned around, facing me again. 

Dad tried to rush his words, "If we're gonna have a chance at getting out of here, please! Ms. Dane- Polaris!"

"Guard, this man is bothering me!" Lorna called to the guard, who happened to be on the phone and in a bit of a mood.

"Shut up! All of you!" He gave us a look, before returning to his phone call. 


"Before, all of this," Dad spoke quietly "I didn't understand, but I do now" I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't meet them. "I'm sorry." A fought the tears, only one escaping. 

Lorna's face scrunched up, in anger, bitterness, or despair, I couldn't tell. "Congratulations, in figuring out that you're one of the bad guys." I didn't agree or disagree out loud, but anybody could tell that she was right.

"So, what? If you would have thought about it a little more, you wouldn't have destroyed so many lives?!" She seemed erratic now, "You want forgiveness?! Ask the little boy that I strapped into a bus, while he screamed for his mommy, who was in prison. Where you sent her! You know what? Ask the hundreds of families whos lives you, and your friends, ruined! Ask your damn daughter! Ask her and your other two children, if you deserve even shred of their forgiveness! Don't ask me." She harshly finished.

"Leilani?" My dad weakly asked me. 

"You don't deserve my forgiveness, you need to work for it. You need to earn back the trust in your son! Earn it from your oldest daughter! Earn it from them, before you dare to come to me. Because right now, your apology, is worth less than your life. And that is saying something, Reed."

Sorry its short, but I hope you enjoyed it! Love you guys!💙

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