Chapter 2

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It was past midnight. Almost 2 a.m. Though there is no light on the abandoned lake area, but the natural beauty light from the full moon help lighten up the area. Being unconscious for more than 15 hours, Copter is now moving slowly and trying to sit up after opening his eyes and looks around. For sure he was dumped by the lake, just like his father asked them to. Supposedly he should felt terrible, sad and angry. But who knows, all his felt is free. He felt free and unexpected relieved from all the hard feelings he felt all those times. Of course, he still feels the pain to the bones from all the punches, make it difficult moving his limbs, trying to push his body up and hungry as hell of course. It almost two days without food, and he still doesn't know where to go, or what to do. Being in the school only until 12 years old, he was force to stopped school and work at home after his mother died, for his father doesn't want to bother with all the expenses, Copter doesn't really have a reliable friend. Even though he had them before, he might be forgotten and even if it's not the case, he still doesn't know how to reach any of them. For six years, he never allowed to leave the house, so the outside world is actually foreign to him.

He stands up slowly, for his limb is numb and walks slowly approaching the lake. Carefully, he took the water from the lake using both of his hands and drink from it, he badly needed it. Then using the lake water, he washes his face, full of dried blood and he winced endure the pain from the wound, felt it sting when it contact with the water. Still, he doesn't stop. While still washing his face, there are lights from the car approaching the side of the lake make him running back as fast as he could, hiding behind the bush. It's late at night; no normal people will come to this abandoned lake for normal reason. So he hides himself well, while trying to figure out the car. He saw the car stopped somewhere near the lake. Without even turning off the engine, he saw two guys coming out from the car from both driver and passenger side and one of them opened a door of the backseat, behind passenger seat.

Then both of them taking out something or someone together from the car, and he can see later on that they were dragging a teenage girl, with hand tied up in front and the rope circling her upper body tightly. His mouth and eyes were tied too. He saw her struggling, but it seems impossible for her to fight those two muscled man, seemingly wearing all black suit. He knew he needs to do something. He needs to help the helpless girl, screw all the pain. God knows what those men will do to her, but whatever it is, it wasn't good. So he was looking around, trying to find something to make weapons to fight them both. He saw a rock he can use and a stick strong enough to be a weapon.

When he saw they put the girl on the ground kneeling facing the lake while one of them hold her in place, another of them taking out a gun and pointing to the back head of the unfortunate girl, Copter approaching them fast and throw the rock so it hit the hand of the guy with the gun, making him hissed from the pain and the gun dropped to the ground before the guy even try to pull the trigger, and he ran as fast as he could while swaying the stick to the face of the guy holding the girl make him dropped to the ground unconscious, and then he target the other guy not wasting any time hitting the side of the face, knocking him out. Guess they wasn't expecting any visitor, thus lack of response.

"Are you okay?" Copter asked while untied all the rope fast as he was afraid the guys will wake up soon. " I'm okay, thank you." Said the girl while trying to let go herself from all the rope circling her body, while Copter still helping her. "Tied his hand and feet. I will tied him." ask Copter while pointing to the guy who was holding her before. After they tied the rope on the hand and foot of the both guys, the girl searching the body of the both guys and taking their cellphones with her. "Can you drive?" Ask Kit. The girl nod. "Let's go then." Both of them running to the car and Copter took the passenger seat while the girl took the driver side. Without spent any minute, the girl just accelerate leaving the location to somewhere safe.

Copter opens his eyes, trying to adjust to the surrounding. The first thing he saw was white, so he turned his head looking around trying to figure out the place he was at. "Finally, you wakes up." He turned to the woman voice and was actually wondering whether she was talking to him or not. Clearly, she was when he saw a teenage girl, quite familiar, approaching him. Looking at the confused face of Kit, the girl talked again. "You don't remember me?" she asked. Copter shaking his head while trying to remember things so that he can remember the face his looking at right now. All he remember was about the dream he had, helping a girl from being killed and they tied both of them up then.....

"I'm not dreaming am I?" he asked and the girl smiled. "You thought you were dreaming while saving me?" she asked and Copter nods his head. The girl laugh makes Copter smile. It's been so long for him to see someone laughing out wholeheartedly and he kind of misses it. His mother was someone who will laugh out even for small matter. He misses his mother so much. Seeing watery eyes of Kit, the girl stop laughing and concerns overtake her feelings. "Why, are you hurt anywhere? The doctor is on the way." Again, Copter shaking his head, as he actually felt great. He was trying to sit up, and the girl helping him. "I'm okay. So, are you okay? The bad guys never find you again?" he asked. "They were caught. Thanks to you. In a while, police will come and taking your statement regarding the incident, is it okay with you?" She asked. "I..... guess." He answered hesitantly.

"Well my name is Preeda by the way. I..." the sentence of Preeda is not finished when the doctor came and Preeda has to give way to the doctor to check Copter's conditions. After all the checking routine, the doctor looks straight at Copter and introduces himself before explaining to him his conditions. "Hi, Copter. My name's Itthipat, you can call me Dr. Itthipat. Your conditions is good right now, after rest and a few more checking later on just to make sure everything is normal, you can discharge from the hospital tomorrow. Any questions?" Copter only shakes his head. "If anything you can call me. So, I leave you with your friend then. Have a nice day Copter." The doctor left while smiling to Copter and Preeda. Before he left, Copter's voice make him stop. "Is all the Dr. here good looking like you?" After realize how nonsense his question is, Copter cover his mouth with both of his hand, never thought he will be that daring, asking questions like that. Well, it's too late to take back his questions when the doctor turned around and face back to him, looking straight into his eyes.

End of Chapter 2

p/s: Sorry quite short chapter. the story kind of slow too. Since i just start writing, i wonder this story will be read  by others. still I hope whoever read this can enjoy, even a little. see you on next updates.

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now