Chapter 19

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Copter was enjoying the wind with an open car window and he was really happy, making Kimmon who was driving, unstoppable smiling watching him. They were on the way to Cha Am beach, 160km from Bangkok, a journey taking a 2-hour drive. Kimmon was awarded the cutely shocking face of Copter this morning when he decided to make a surprise vacation for both of them, as per Tee advice. He was discussing this with Bas before going upstairs last night, organizing everything regarding company matters. Bas more than willing to let Kimmon go for a vacation since he never had any in 5 years. The only off day he would have is for Preeda's school; parents day, graduation day, parent-teacher meeting and etcetera.

It was a beach house, his family always come out here for a vacation so it holds a lot of memories of his parents, which is one of the reasons he never visited this place since then. Arrived at the beach house, Copter was eagerly coming out of the car, to breathe the fresh air of the coastal air and enjoy the view he missed so much. He came to the beach a few times with 'his family' before all unfortunate things happen, it was a few good memories he had. He can vividly remember how he was so happy to play in the water and build a sandcastle with Sunan and his mother. Somchai and Oat would never want to joint if he was there.

Kimmon was hugging him when he realize he was out again. "Cop, please na, be better. Stop spacing out on me, na." Kimmon was calling him few times to take the luggage out from the car when the said man won't even reply, then Kimmon knew Copter was out again. So, he was hugging him while stroking his back softly, whisper sweet nothing into his ear. Once Copter was coming back, he hugs Kimmon back to reassure him he was actually doing fine, again and again. "Let's settle in, and we can have lunch while planning what we'll do next, okay?" suggest Kimmon and Copter was agreed right away.

"Where are we going to have lunch?" Asked Copter once they were finished unpacking and wash up earlier, getting ready to go out. "I want to bring you to this restaurant, which served great seafood dishes, which I can guarantee you will love it! Let's go," Both of them get into the car and drive straightly to the restaurant's suggested by Kimmon. However, once Kimmon had park the car not far from the restaurant, he saw Copter's fidget on his fingers nervously, surprising the older. "Cop, what happened?" They were still in the car with the engine still running. "," Copter was nervously stuttering, trying hard to form a sentence. "aishhh, I'm sorry Cop, I was so excited bringing you here, I forgot the fact that you were anxious with strangers. You wait here, I'll order takeout, then we can have lunch at the beach house, okay."

Copter grab Kimmon's hand before he can get out from the car, making the big guy turned around, facing Copter once again. "It's okay, I'll be okay as long as you are there. I can do this, P'Kim," Copter know how eagerly Kimmon was, for him. So, for the sake of Kimmon, he wanted to be better, at least he should try to be better, instead of letting Kimmon cover for him every time. "Are you sure?" Asked Kimmon, quite worried for the young guy. "As long as you are with me." Copter giving away a small smile, trying to be stronger, or maybe he was trying too hard?

Copter can barely walk normally as his feet shivering too much, every time he come face to face with different faces, it's like the eyes of the stranger were boring holes in his existence, making him more nervous than he already is. He was squeezing Kimmon's hand so hard it could even blocked blood flow, yet Kimmon just let him be and patting on his hands using his free hands to calm down the boy. Once they arrived at the reserved table beside the window, Kimmon make Copter seating on the seat facing window, so he doesn't have to face others in the restaurant. Once Kimmon had giving their orders, he took Copter's cold hands in his hands and hold it to spread the warmth in his hands to Copter's. He was aware of those eyes whose paying attention to him, or them, but he could care less with their perspectives when all that matters to him is only Copter and his well beings.

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now