Chapter 8

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"What should I do? To me, you are special. That's why I treat you special, Copter."

Out of all the discussions earlier, all were running in his head are those words. Copter couldn't help but be blushed about it, every time he remembered it. Kimmon was standing at the walkway opposite to where he is seating facing his back while talking on his phone. He got a call from Bas earlier. So, he guesses it must be something regarding the company, since his face quite serious while talking. And what with the name? Mr. Kimmon is alright, but P'Kim? It sounded sweet and friendly. But can I really be friendly with him? He is the owner of the house and my boss. P'Kim. P'Kim.

"....ter. Copter. Copter!!" Copter shocked from his own reverie. "Are you okay? Why are you red? You got fever?" Ask Kimmon concerned while his hand on Copter's forehead. Copter shaking his head while putting a space between Kimmon's hand and his head. "No. I'm fine. Really. Sorry for spacing out." Kimmon sigh while taking his seat at the same seat he took previously. "No, it's not Copter. I want you to know, you were spacing out a lot. I got the reports from Itthipat, you were not even realize him inject the medicine on your hand while spacing out one time. If you were crossing the road, you might get yourself an accident with that spacing out of yours. I hope you can open up and tells me what's in your head, instead of keeping it in. Seriously, it wasn't good for you."

"I'm sorry. But don't worry; I will not let it affect my job, whatever it is. I promise." Kimmon sigh again hearing Copter's answer. "Well, I guess it will do for now. Let's go, we have a lunch out today, it's not a formal lunch, but he is one of the clients and a friend. We have to get ready."

Once finish ready with his informal wear, Kimmon coming out from the room and head to the next room to check on Copter and was shocked with Copter only wearing towel, wrapping his lower body. Those white milk skins really are tempting. He just stood there, blank. Only when he heard Copter apologizes, again, then he waking up from his own universe. "I don't have anything to wear," he said. Kimmon just smiled and let himself in. He approaches the wardrobe and flips the doors of it open. "Well, it's not true. Everything in this wardrobe is yours." There he goes. The shocked expressions that Kimmon love the most. He took his time, because he is enjoying the view. Well, Copter too, taking his time to pull himself out of the shock feeling, giving advantage to Kimmon.

"What? How? Why?" Actually, Copter doesn't understand this man. Why would he do all this for him? What will he regain from all this? I'm a nobody. I have nothing to offer to him except myself. Myself? Did he want my body? Does he like guys? No, no, no. I will not giving myself up. No, this is not alright. But then the finger snapping took him out from his inner self crisis. "You are not doing this because you want my body, right?" Once Kimmon heard Copter's question out of blue, he was laughing really hard. Copter's wanted to frown on his reaction; instead he was mesmerized by the laugh. He remembers the laugh he heard from the phone the other day. And now, not only hearing it, but seeing the expression of this guy while laughing is really beautiful. It's a beautiful sight he wish it would last longer.

"Oh my! Why are you so cute Copter? I was explaining to you why I'm doing it, it ends up you are not listening at all. You even making an assumption. A cute one, I would say." Said Kimmon once he calmed himself down. Copter's frowning, or actually pouting, because he still demands answer. Seeing that make Kimmon smile more widely, he might hurt his jaw later on for laughing and smiling so hard, but he doesn't care, it's been so long. "No, I would never demand your body, not without your permission, of course." Kimmon smirk while making the last remark, and Copter still looking at him suspiciously. To avoid more suspicion, Kimmon cut the conversation. "You need to get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs. And be quick."

Kimmon left the room while smiling thinking all the cute action and the words coming out from that small guy naturally honest, whether he realize it or not. Day by day, all the things about the small guy interesting to him, and make him wonder and curious for more. Once reaching downstairs, he was facing her sister, standing right in front of him with watery eyes, making him worried. "What happened? Why are you crying?" Suddenly Preeda pounce on him and hugs him hard, and the crying get louder make Kimmon more worried. While crying, she says, "I thought I will never hear you laugh again. I missed your laugh and your big smile. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." And she continue crying in her brother's arm for a while.

Seeing the scene in front of him, make him wonder what actually happen. Now, he think about all this again, Kimmon and Preeda seems doesn't have parents anymore. 'What really happen to you Kimmon?' Then right there, he promised himself, he would always try to make him laugh, so that they would be really happy. 'I would be here for a long time, might as well do better for them.'

End of Chapter 8

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now