Chapter 12

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"This is one of the things you will face in the future Copter. You can't be weak just because people talking about you and you will face a lot more situation, worse than this. I know, this shouldn't have happened but in another way, it should be a good lesson for you to be strong and facing people head-on, regardless of what their opinion on you. Your priority should be P'Kimmon and your task, you only need to tend to his needs, and not anyone else needs. I learn it the hard way, but it's a good lesson for me." That is the answer Bas giving him that evening after been relaxed in the garden for more than half-hour; Bas came and join him, waiting for Kimmon, to head for the mansion, finished the job for the day. When he asked about the lesson, Bas refused to tell him, for some reason he didn't know. One thing Bas told him, is that one of these days, he will know it. But not now.

Copter was on his study desk, studying and memorizing all the things he learned today after they had their dinner. Kimmon heads out right after having dinner, saying he needed to see someone. Even Bas didn't know who is that someone. A few minutes after Kimmon left, Bas too, heading out, after receiving a call from Itthipat, leaving Copter all alone, not literally, but still, alone in the big mansion. Thus, here he is, in his room, studying and memorizing all the things about Kimmon he needed to know, in order to be a good personal assistant, according to Bas. But the unsettled feeling keeps coming disturbing his focus on his job, making him frustrated and most of the reason, is afraid.

He was afraid of the unknown future. If before, no matter what he was afraid, it was all about him, and only him. No matter what happens, things will only befall him, and him alone. But thinking back for all the bad things the guy said in the bathroom, he knew for sure Kimmon will also be affected by it. And to make it worse, he was the sole reason for it. Just thinking about it made him shiver to the spine, frightened him to the core, since he cannot imagine, what will happen if something could really befall Kimmon because of him. He cannot let anything happen to Kimmon. Kimmon is all he has now. The 6 years of life he had to face after losing his mom was worst enough. If he were to lose kimmon, the only person who had even the slightest care for him, he cannot...

"! Breath!! Copter, Breath!! Oh my God, Copter, please breathe." When he realizes, he was gasped for air on the paper bag kimmon put on his face, covering his mouth and nose. He felt cold on the area below the eyes, not realizing he was shedding tears. A few moments after that, after he was sure Copter is back in real life, Kimmon hug him tightly. His breathing rate was high, for he is scared for Copter. He was just arrived from his appointment with his hired investigator, discussing any anomaly on Copter's case, or to be more precisely Copter's identity. He went straight to Copter's room, to check on him, and he was smiling at first watching Copter's on the back on his desk, for he assumes Copter is doing whatever task Bas is giving him. When he was calling him a few times with no response whatsoever, Kimmon rushed to Copter's side to only seen him stare to nothing, breathless!

He was never seen one, but he knew what Copter's having right now was a panic attack. He called Itthipat and luckily, it's only taking him a few ringing for him to answer the phone. With Itthipat order, Kimmon using the paper bag, he found it in the desk's second drawer and put it on Copter. He was trying everything just so that Copter come back to real life. He gently rubbed the back of Copter, while keep calling his name to attract his attention. The five minutes of doing it felt like forever, and when lastly, Copter recovered from his world of nothingness to the real world, he breathes a sigh of relief. Once Copter breathing back to normal, he was pulling Copter to sit on the bed, side by side.

Kimmon: "Are you okay now? Any discomfort anywhere?"

Copter just shaking his head. He actually quite shocked when he doesn't even realize he wouldn't even breathing while thinking possibilities of losing Kimmon. Now too, he didn't realize he was staring deep into Kimmon eyes while thinking all things happening right now. And he shed the tears again, making Kimmon worried again. He was realizing again, only when he felt Kimmon touching his cheek, wiping the tears which keep falling.

The door blasted open, Bas and Itthipat appear from the back of the door, coming right beside them in seconds. "What happened?" Bas is the one with the questions first. When Bas and Itthipat arrived, Copter turning his gaze down, and he fidgets nervously, mostly because he felt he was troublesome to these wonderful people, when he was nobody to them. Observing how Copter's react, Itthipat knew he should taking action, he was dragging Bas out of the room, giving time for Copter to relax, and time for both of them. Once the two friends were out the door, Kimmon put his left hand on Copter's left shoulder, pulling him closer. Using the same hand, he was patting gently on Copter's head, so that Copter's leaning on his left shoulder. They just keeping that position, drifted in their own minds, without any conversation at all.

Bas and Itthipat patiently waiting for Kimmon in the living room, silently. They have no ideas on what happened to Copter, but they realize the seriousness of it. Thus, they wait for Kimmon, to hear from him, to get even the slightest idea of the situation happening right now. "He fell asleep, tired from the emotional turmoil he was having just now," said Kimmon while going down from the stairs and taking the single seat sofa, facing Itthipat who was seating closely to Bas. "To be honest, I don't have the answer to your questions now. I don't have any idea why all of this happened." Uttered Kimmon while putting both of his hand together on his face, covering his mouth and half of his nose while taking a deep breath, feeling the frustration deep into his bone.

"Is there anything happen at the office today Bas?" Kimmon suddenly asked making Bas frowning, thinking about all the things they did today. "There is something, but I'm not sure if it will be the reason though." Said Bas. "What is it?" he was worried if this is because Copter had to be in the work environment, with a lot of people around, when he knew how nervous Copter is when facing the unfamiliar people. "He overheard the staff talking about him not having any education working close to you, in the toilet." Hearing it, Kimmon breathes a sigh of relief, since Copter supposed not facing anyone, but Bas. All he had to do is, followed Bas without any communication with others. But still, he was mad. Looking at the change of expression of Kimmon, Bas continued before Kimmon had time to say anything, "I'm already dealt with it. We should know the person leaking the information by tomorrow. I was really mad too."

"Copter told you about it?" Itthipat sudden question making Bas turning his head to Itthipat beside him. He was wondering what's with the questions, but he answered it anyway. "Yes, he told me after we finished our 'sharing knowledge session'" saying Bas while putting a bracket with his finger. "How about his reactions while he told you about it?" Bas frowning deep while looking at Itthipat. "Oh, I guess you didn't know, psychology is my minor subject, actually I was interested in that field if not because of my father's hospital," Itthipat explain when he understands what the frowning look of Bas meant. "He was asking me, whether it was okay for him to keep working when he was afraid people will look bad at Kimmon, but then he wanted this job. But then again, if Kimmon were to be affected, he thought he shouldn't be working with him. All I told him was that he needed to be ready for a lot worse situation than this, and he understood me. So, I'm not sure why he was having a panic attack now."

Itthipat then asked while turning his gaze on Kimmon, "Kimmon, honestly tell us, was there anything between you two?"

End of Chapter 12

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now