Chapter 39

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Copter was resting with his head down, feeling tired and with no energy, but he couldn't sleep. He felt restless. In his head, he was already trying to accept the fact that his life would be over. And it can't help but make him feel miserable and was regretting how much he wished to live happily with his P'Kim. He wanted to shout, to ask why, lashing out on his fate. was it so wrong for him just to feel happy and be loved and love his P'Kim? all he could do was crying and crying with no end. Well, after he died, maybe. but right now, just let him be. This is all he had, even he felt bad for himself, the reality didn't change.

He can feel that something was going to happen soon, and it will not end well for him. He wanted to hope, but at the same time he didn't want P'Kim to endangered himself for him. those guys weren't a joke. He knew, he understands. "P'Kim, I love you. P'Kim I'm sorry to appear in your life just to die on you again. It was hard enough for you when you lose both of your parents. I'm sorry I added to that. But I hope you know, P'Kim, it was such a miracle meeting you. Something I could never imagined my whole life. Thank you for the little time you gave me, and thank you for the love you gave me. I'll miss you P'Kim, and I love you." He hopes it would somehow reach his P'Kim.

"I guess, you don't know me that much, Mr. Anupam. I always bring those men, whenever I attend any deal, it's my way of being cautious. You might kill me after killing the boy, and blaming me afterwards. Who knows." Once Adisak was finished with his sentence, Anupam was laughing loudly while clapping his hands. Few minutes later, his expression change drastically, serious. "Is that your plan? To kill me and to blame me on Copter's death openly?" Adisak was stay still, but Anupam expression just wasn't that good. "I wouldn't dare, your underground men was quite famous in the field."

"You can do that if you want. But you must have forgot another part of the deal, or maybe you and your bullhead father of yours thought I'm bluffing. You killed me here today, the evidence will come out to open. It's easy, if I were to die, I will not die alone." Was all Anupam said, challenged the young guy.

Seeing the tense situation between the two men, Tae was giving signal to his man. A few seconds later, few random shots was shooting from behind Adisak making everyone to take cover. The shooting incident took place right after making almost all the men inside the factory hurried over to outside, covering their boss. That left only a few people inside guarding the room Copter was in. Supposedly. It's time Kimmon, Suthee and the team took action.

However, the guys that guarding the room was actually doesn't even change that forced them to fight. While fighting, kimmon could see a guy that left alone was starting a fire to the door. "Shit, they were going to kill Copter either way, sneaky bastards. Suthee, help me!" It was hard for Kimmon to avoid the fight and to go to the room when every moved he took had been cut by the big guy. The other guy and even Suthee was in full hands. It was taking him some more time, when the guy who started the fire joining the big guy, targeting Kimmon.

Copter was panicked, afraid and now he could feel the heat radiated from the door, even smoke started to fill the room. They weren't going to shoot me to death, but to burn me away. He was trying to move his chair far away from the door and he could do it ever slowly, so that he would not falling over, like last time. When he did reach at the end of the room, opposite to the door, all he could do was screaming his heart out. "P'Kim! P'Kim! P'Kim!" even though he knew his P'Kim will not heard him, but he keeps on screaming the guy's name.

When they were succeed on defeat all those guys, they were already having scratch, blood on the face and the fist and bruised everywhere. But it doesn't matter to Kimmon when he went straight to the room that almost burnt half of the door and on the other side of the wall, it was already reaching roof of the room. "Suthee, shoot the door lock, I don't wanna kick the door hard, afraid it would fall on Copter." Suthee took one of the gun from the bad guys, which they didnt have any chance of using it. Once the door lock had been shot, Kimmon push the door with a little energy even though the heat was quite strong, just above the fire making it open ever slowly.

He could hear people were having a coughing fit inside and he knew it right away it was Copter. Kimmon doesn't wait, but to jump over the fire and he was roll over on the floor right on Copter's foot. "PKi..m" It was hard for Copter to breathe because of all the smoke inside the room. "Cop, are you okay?" while asking the guy, Kimmon was taking out his penknife, he even forgot while fighting all those guys, and cut the ties that tied Copter to the chair. Copter was still coughing a lot, and now, even Kimmon was coughing. The other guy outside was trying to reduce the fire at the door so that Copter and Kimmon could come out a little easier.

When Copter finally free from all the tie, Kimmon was pulling Copter, hugging his shoulder and walked to the burning door. Just a few steps more when he heard Tee screaming, "P'.....look out!" He was look up and was fast to push Copter out of danger when he saw a burning wood from the roof was falling on his face. He didn't have much time to avoid it making it fall on his face, and later the bigger woods was falling on his back making him fall. "No!!!! P'Kimm!!! Help us!!!!" Copter was screaming when he saw the woods. Few other guys at the outside jump fast into the room and kicked the burning wood off Kimmon's back. Copter was fast helping his unconscious P'Kim and trying to help the big guy up, but failed miserably. He was weak, he was in crying fit, but he wanted to help Kimmon. Few minutes later, the fireman arrived and help taking Kimmon to the ambulance.

Copter was forgetting his own wounds. He was never let go his P'Kim's hands while the emergency guy would help him with his oxygen. "P'Kim....P'Kim.....P'Kim......" all he could say while shedding tears nonstop until they were arriving at the nearby hospital. He had to let go of that hands once they were going in the emergency room.

Copter couldn't move from where he was standing, so, he could just sitting on the floor, while watching and waiting the emergency door's to open. He was stop crying, but he wasn't doing anything either. He might be so tired that he cannot cry anymore, but he just want to be here, right in front of this room.

Tae, Tee, Wuttichai and Suthee was arrived later on. Once the shooting incident started, all Tae's team would either sneak behind Adisak's men or Anupam's men, to attack them from behind. All the guys were dead, and Wuttichai was supposed to call the police force and ambulance once the shooting begin, and bringing them to the location. Once he saw a big smoke, he was calling the fireman too, just in case. They were leaving the scene to Tae's man and Suthee's team to help make a report or whatever they need.

When they see Copter on the floor, Tee was fast to approach him. "Ter, let's get you treated, you were badly injured yourself." No response from Copter. "Come on Ter, you will make P'Kimmon worried more if you've been like this." Hearing the name of P'Kimmon, Copter turns to Tee. The tears that stopped just now was falling again. "P'Tee....please help P'Kim. He was hurt because of me........P'Kim he...." Tee was hugging Copter and were crying together. He was then letting go of the hug and look Copter straight in the eyes, while wiping the tears that keep on falling on Copter's cheeks. "He will be okay. He will, for you. So you need to be okay for him, too. Come, you need to get treated, Ter. You were badly injured, you know?"

Copter was shaking his head. "No, I want to wait here for P'Kim. I don't care, I want to wait here until the doctor come out." Tee sigh. "Let's at least sit on the chair." Copter still shaking his head. "I can't. My legs felt numb, I can't get up." Tee tilt his head to Tae. "P'Tae....." Tae was coming near them. "Come, Ter, I'll help you," Tae was actually picking Copter up bridal style. "P'Tae, you don't have to do this much," Copter was being shy. "You were very light, Copter. You have to be strong so that you can take care of Kimmon, okay."

End of Chapter 39

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now