Chapter 5

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Copter is in the car with Itthipat driving beside him. All the way to Kimmon's house, Copter only looking around through the front and his side of the window, something he couldn't see for 6 years. He was right, he don't know any of the places. He don't even know where they are right now, and was embarrassed to ask, so he just keep looking with no conversation. Itthipat only observe Copter's action, trying to understand him more, but the way Copter is looking around right now make his assumption clearer, Copter wasn't from here, he might be dump by people from far away so that nobody who knows him will find him. "Have you been to Bangkok Copter?" ask Itthipat out of nowhere make Copter turn his head to look at Itthipat who focusing on the road. "I've seen the address in your ID is from Chiang Mai, do you live there?" he continued, but then still no response from Copter. Supposed it is a simple question, but somehow, Copter could not answer it. How? He had been living in Bangkok his whole life, but his action doesn't seem that way.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a big gate, with a guard house in front of it. Itthipat lowered his window to let them see him and his companion only then, the gate is open. It wasn't simply a house. 'His family' house is considered a big house, but this one is a mansion. Seeing what in front of him making Copter flutter and afraid. He doesn't know why, but being here is a mistake. "I don't think this is a good idea doctor." Said Copter in a sudden, making Itthipat frown. "Why?" he asked. Copter couldn't answer it make Itthipat sigh. "Copter, you promised Kimmon you will wait for him at his house. This is his house, so bear with it, okay. Just for tonight, then, you can discuss with him about your plan tomorrow. Will it be okay with you?"

Itthipat stop his car in front of the main lobby of the house. There is a familiar guy waiting for them at the main door. Once they both out of the car, Itthipat approach the man who is bow down to him. "Good evening Mr. Itthipat," greet him. "Hi, Bas, how many times I said, you don't have to be so formal with me. You are not my butler." Said Itthipat while patting the shoulder of the guy name Bas, Kimmon's butler. "Still you are my master's friend." He replied. "Copter...." Itthipat looking for Copter to his side but was shocked finding him hiding behind him. "Copter, what's wrong?" he asked and Copter only shaking his head while clinging onto Itthipat's shirt firmly. "Copter it's okay. Let me introduce you. This is Bas, kimmon's butler. He will help you while you are living here. You can trust him, he is a good guy, and we are friends."

Bas come around and looks at Copter who is still hiding behind Itthipat even though he did let go Itthipat shirt. Bas bow down in front of him. "Hi Mr. Copter. Mr. Kimmon called just now to expecting you. My name is Bas, and I am a butler, Mr. Kimmon's butler, I will assist you while you are living here. Come, please follow me, I will show your room." Bas pointing his right hand into the house, indicating the way to follow. Copter was looking up to Itthipat who is higher than him and then to Bas. Itthipat just nod his head telling Copter it was okay. "Ask Bas if you need anything, okay. I need to go now for I have an appointment later. This is my number, in case you needed me." Itthipat said while giving his card to Copter. "Bas please takes care of him, okay. I have to go now."

"This is your room. The change of clothes is on the bed, I assumed you want to wash up first. The washroom is right there. The maid is preparing lunch for you. Just come down when you are ready. I will wait for you downstairs." After finishing his words, Bas bow down to Copter and left him alone in the big room. Copter just stared the whole room from where his standing, beside the door, while feeling astonished and the fact that he was invited to stay in this mansion was really like a dream. Then be treated like the prince of the mansion was way too much for him to process, but here he is, standing right here in the big room of a big mansion. 'All of this is not real. I'm actually having a nice dream while lying in the dog house, am I?'

However, slowly Copter walks near to the bed, taking the clothes spread over the bed and heading to the washroom as indicated by Bas just now. He was taking his time showering, when he didn't realize he loved doing it because in those 6 years, living lowly than maid in that house, taking a proper bath leisure he didn't have. Surely it's late for lunch and he is already hungry. He didn't know whether this is good or a bad thing for he is to prepare himself for the days he had to face without food in the future, but then, he had to consumed the food as much as he can, didn't he? So he walking down the stairs, going to the dining table as indicated by Bas before heading to the room just now, he can see Bas and two women with maid costume, which he think the real maid is waiting.

When he approaches them, all three of them bow down to him. "Please sit, Mr. Copter." Copter took a seat in front of the table with various foods, more than the quantity he had for a year. It is a metaphor, but then again, he think that is the fact. "Mr. Copter let me introduce you, this is Nok and this is Jingjo, they will serve you while you eat." Copter take a look at Nok and Jingo alternately and smiling to them, making them giggled, when they got glared from Bas, they were redeem themselves and taking place, ready to serve. "Have you eaten, Bas?" ask Copter. "It's okay, we will eat after you." Was he replied but then Copter standing up from his position and taking Bas wrist pulling him to a chair opposite to his seat before and he took his seat back. "It's been so long I've been eating alone. Please eat with me."

Bas has no choice but to comply. The lunch was normal with no conversation. Copter doesn't really know how to make a conversation for he doesn't have any person he can talk to before. Sometimes, he even wonder whether he still remember how to talk or not. Finished having lunch, Copter was heading upstairs, going back to the room, afraid to consider a place to stay for one night as 'his room', but the sound of barking stop him. "Does Mr. Kimmon had a dog?" he asked while turn his head to Bas direction. "Actually he had two. Do you want to see them?" Bas question making Copter eagerly nodding his head. Then he followed Bas to the backyard of the mansion, quite spacious and he can see two dog houses at the corner end of the back yard.

When Bas enter the lawn, there are two German Shepherd come into view running at full speed and pounce on Bas, make him fell on the lawn while laughing, the two dogs keep licking his face while Bas giving order to them to restraint their excitement for he wanted to introduce someone. Once seeing the stranger, those two dogs barking at Copter, making Copter smile. He misses this. "Now, Mike and Star, this is Copter and he is P'Kimmon's friend. Be good to him, okay," when Bas finished introducing him, Copter open both of his arm, inviting Mike and Star to come to him. As naturally as ever, since Copter was good with dogs since baby, the two dogs come pouncing on him while licking his face. "Hello there," says Copter while giggling. The place he called his privacy which is the dog house was originally the house of his dog, Carl. It was blue merle, Border collie breeds, a gift from his mother for his sixth birthday. It was his best friend and the best buddy he got, so he modified the dog house as bigger as he can, to make Carl feels comfortable. But right after the death of his mother, his dad taking Carl out from his life, still wondering to this day what actually happen to the dog. Seen the beautiful sight, the first time seeing the guy's cheerful face; Bas smiled and left him to play with the dogs. Well, he had to report this as instruction.

End of chapter 5

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now