There you are...

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Ava was cuddled close on Larry's lap. The movie was close to ending when Larry heard a knock at the door.

Larry: I'm sorry belle let me get that

She got off him and nodded. He got up and answered the door. A lady was at the door, blue eyes and brown hair. She was beautiful.

Larry: Hey! Thanks for coming ...

He smiled and greeted her.

Lady: Larry it's nice you see you!

She hugged him and Ava looked over the couch. They stood by the door for a minute talking until Ava cleared her throat loudly. Larry stopped mid sentence and turned around.

Larry: Ava this is Maddie

Ava: Hello?

Maddie: Hi it's nice to meet you

Larry: Pouvez-vous monter pour que je puisse vous parler?
(Can you come up so I can talk to you?)

Maddie: Sure

She walked up the stairs and Ava's eyes followed.

Larry: I'll be back Ava-

Ava: Why? Why is she going upstairs in your room?

Larry: I just wanna talk to her-

Ava: In your room? You wanna talk to a girl in your room? Why can you say it in front of me?

Larry: Woah belle wait that's not it

Ava turned around in the chair and she ignored him.

Larry: Ava?

He walked towards her and she was balled up on the couch. He sat down next to her .

Larry: Maddie is a friend I swear.

Ava: She's too pretty to be a friend...

Larry: Hey. Look at me.

She looked at him slowly with tears in her eyes. He wiped the and kissed her.

Larry: I don't think her wife would mind her being here if we had a thing.

Ava: Wife?-

Larry: She a therapist Ava.. and yes she has a wife. I asked her to come here because last night you had a panic attack in the middle of the night... and I know you had one on the plane. I want to know what's wrong with you so I can fix it... I was going to tell her what happened then let her talk to you but we can just go now.

Ava wipes her face and looked at him.

Ava: you got her for me?

Larry: Yes belle but if you don't wanna talk to her tell me... I just don't want you holding anything in. I want you to feel better

He held her in his arms and she stood quiet for a minute.

Ava: Okay...

Larry: You'll talk to her?

She nodded and he smiled.

Larry: Thank you...

He got up and held her hand walking up the stairs.

Larry: I was going to talk to you about it alone but she wants to be here so... last night I found Ava on the floor panicking. She couldn't talk she could barely breathe. I only heard her because of the fact she fell. That makes me worried... Ava has a lot of things that haven't been great at all in her life and she's had no one up until now.

Maddie: Is this her first?

Larry: No she had another one on the plane to France

Maddie: Ava do you mind if me and you can speak alone? I really want to get to know you and I want you to be able to talk with me without Larry around.

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