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For the next couple week Lucy did come back almost every day. She brought whatever the twins asked of her. It felt like she would never go away. She was there for breakfast, lunches and dinners. He perky attitude always bothered Ava. She would always tell old stories that they would remember and laughed to. Or she would tell interesting stories about the places she went after college. It just felt like everyday was a new story.

Lau: Wake up...

She groaned and kept her eyes closed. He pulled the blanket off her and her eyes shot open.

Lau: you can't keep sleeping in wake up

Ava: what are you my dad?

His eyebrow raised and he smacked her ass.

Ava: Ow!

She jumped up out of bed and he smiled.

Lau: Breakfast is cooking

She rolled her eyes at him as he walked out the door. She took her blanket off the floor and laid back down. She just couldn't help it. The warmth plus the comfort just felt too good. She slept in for another hour until Lau noticed. He walked into her room and saw her asleep again.

Lau: I warned you...

He closed the door and locked it. He smirked and went under her comforter and gently moved her on her back. He pulled her legs open and pulled her shorts down. He pulled her underwear to the side and swirled his tongue inside of her. He moaned lightly in her sleep and tried to close her legs. He held them open and went to work on her. She woke up moaning and holding his head. She moved the covers and saw him there.

Ava: Lau-

Lau: no shh

He pulled her closer to his face and she gasped.

Ava: oh god...

She felt his tongue work magic on her. She was trying her hardest not to be loud but Laurent didn't care. He smirked at her and continued until he felt her legs shake. He smiled and looked at her.

Ava: why'd you stop?

Lau: Oh because I told you to get up an hour ago so that's your punishment.

Ava: what- no!

Lau: Next time listen and maybe you'll get the finish

Ava: you're joking

Lau: Not at all

He walked out the room and she got up. Her knees were shaky. When she got into the kitchen no surprise Lucy was in the kitchen cooking with Larry. He looked at her and smiled.

Larry: Good morning

Lucy: you slept in pretty late

Ava: good morning and yeah I was tired

Lucy: well breakfast is done

Larry: Yes if you're hungry

She sat down and Larry made her a plate. Ava was quiet the entire breakfast. Larry noticed quickly and took account of it.

Larry: Lucy can you get my laptop from my room.

Lucy: Sure

She took off her apron and walked to his room.

Larry: Ava you don't seem happy

Ava: Maybe because you both have to have your girlfriend here every single day

Both: Our girlfriend?

Ava: She's all over both of you every single day

Lau: Aww your cute when you're jealous

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