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Larry: We are going to spend the night here

Ava: What? They'll find us

Larry: I booked this hotel under a false name no one is going to find us

Ava: What about Laurent?

Larry: Trust me when I say he's been through worse and he can handle himself. Right now I need a plan and to keep you safe. It's dark get some sleep.

Ava: can I sleep-

Larry: with me yes you can.

Ava: thank you

Larry: You're welcome

He smiled lightly and grabbed Laurent's laptop. Ava laid down next to him she looked sleepy. He sat in the bed and started typing he went through everything he could that Laurent's been looking up. After about and hour past he looked down at Ava who was asleep. He smiled softly at her and closed the laptop. He was exhausted and he wanted to be up early in the morning. He laid down and pulled the covers over him. His arms wrapped around Ava.

The next morning

Larry woke up early. He put his clothes on and got his gun. He woke Ava up after with breakfast for her.

Larry: I got room service... eat your breakfast and your pill is in the plastic cup. Take it with the food.

She got up and nodded. After breakfast Larry sat down with her. He could not lose Avery.

Larry: Belle... if anything happens to me or Laurent run.

Ava: Don't say that. Please-

Larry: If... and only if

Ava: Run where? I don't have anything but you guys

Larry: I have somewhere for you to go belle... with money under your name. I'm gonna give it all to you when we get to where we have to

Ava: what's going on?

Larry: Too much for you to know.

He grabbed a small bag of his stuff and hers. He stood up and packed her medication.

Larry: You keep the hoodie over your head and you walk. It's cloudy out so we look casual. She nodded at what he was saying.

He could hear her heartbeat. He held her hand.

Larry: I swear no one is going to hurt you...

He picked her head up and kissed her.

Larry: Nothing is going to happen to you I'm gonna get you out of here safely. 

Ava: I trust you

They both walked down the hallway into the elevator. Ava held Larry's hand she felt comforted from it. After Larry calmly gave in the room key they walked outside with Ava. It was pretty chilly out with a little rain.

Larry: I rented a car last night it's in the parking lot.

Ava: Okay..

He walked through the lobby and everything was pretty normal until a man bumped into Ava. She looked up to apologize and made eye contact with guy that made her heart hurt. He looked at her like he wanted to hurt her.

Ava: I-

Larry pulled her to the other side of him. He grabbed the mans arm.

Larry: Keep didn't see anything

The mans face lightened up he look as if he was in a trance well because he was. He turned forward and walked pass them like ghost. Ava looked at Larry with so many questions.

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