Just trust me

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Larry and Ava both got to the hotel safely. Larry wasn't too worried about Laurent because he knew that Lau could handle his shit. He was worried about Ava... she couldn't protect herself if anything was to happen. He already lost her once he didn't want to do it again. When they got into the hotel Larry locked the doors and close the curtains.

Ava: Larry... what's going on?

Larry: I can't tell you...

Ava: Why not?! You killed every person on that beach. That was at least fifty people and you had a gun so you knew something was going to happen. Your not even hurt!

Larry: Hey. I carry a gun just in case... for protection. I'm not in a good spot with a lot of people.

Ava: What do you work for the government like an agent?

Larry: What- No... please please trust me... I can't tell you for your own good.

She stood quiet and looked down.

Ava: Well where is Lau?

Larry sighed softly

Larry: I gotta find him...

Ava: Find him??

Larry: look some bad people kidnapped him. And I'm pretty sure they want to negotiate.

He peek outside the window.

Ava: Negotiate? Negotiate what?

Larry: something more than money

Ava: Wait... your gonna negotiate me? Your sending me back??? Do they want me?

She asked quickly. He could hear her heart rapidly beating. He grabbed her hands.

Larry: Ava-Ava breathe.

Ava: I don't wanna go back... please I can't...

She backed up into the wall shaking with tears. Larry grabbed her face.

Larry: Your not! Look at me!

She stared at him and he felt bad. She was right they wanted to negotiate her for Lau. He obviously wasn't going to do it though.

Larry: Never. I would never negotiate you... you are never going back. Ever. Those people on the beach tried to take you. I didn't let them and I never will.

She nodded softly. He hugged her and rubbed her back. He felt so vulnerable when he held her. For his entire life he never felt weak. It shocked him to his core that he cares about her so much. He didn't know why... she was so broken he just wanted to love her more than ever. He heart her heart slow down into a normal pace.

Larry: I know you almost had panic attack.... but I need you to trust me. No one is going to take you and I'm never going to let them. I swear to you.

She held him and put her face in is shoulder.

Ava: I trust you...

Larry: Good... you have to come with me. I'm not leaving you alone.

Ava: with you?

Larry: Yes I gotta watch over you.

Ava: Can I at least have a gun?

Larry: yeah no. It's a weapon you don't know how to work. A gun has kick back force to it and a lot of other things you don't know. Your too innocent. I'd never want you to kill anyone. It's not something to carry on your conscience.

Ava: It's to protect myself

Larry: I'm protecting you. You didn't need a gun on the beach because I was there. You don't need one now.

Ava: What if you can't protect me?

Larry: I get your scared... but you're not getting a gun. These people aren't going to try and kill you...

Ava: What do they want?

Larry stood quiet and looked down.

Ava: Tell me.

Larry: they're gonna give you away to some fucked up person to enslave .

Ava: What?

He sensed the worry in her voice

Larry: I got you... Lau took you out of sex slavery so he can protect you. So I can protect you... just trust me I won't let anyone take you.

Ava: You promise?

Larry: I promise

Lau's POV

Laurent woke up chained down from his neck to his ankles. People where surrounding him. He wasn't at the beach anymore. The room was dark with only a little light peaking through the windows.

 The room was dark with only a little light peaking through the windows

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Laurent felt like a building fell on top of him he was sore. The pain was almost unbearable: It was a feeling he never felt before. He looked up to see only one familiar face and that was the guy he met on stage. He walked through the big front doors and his room of security monitored him.

Guy: Welcome Mr. Bourgeois...allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ben, remember me?

Lau: Oh you little bitch... I know who you are. I'm gonna kill you...

Ben: You won't. I know right now you feel drowsy, sore and your heart is beating out of control. That's because I have to hooked onto a machine full of Botulinum toxin. The strongest poison in the word.

Laurent looked at the tubes flowing with liquid. He laughed.

Lau: you must not know who I am

Ben: I know exactly who you are. Or should I say what you are Laurent I was really hoping the poison would kill you though. You annoy me.

He laughed

Ben: I told you you'll regret taking Ava from me.

Lau: If you think this poison is going to stop me from whooping your ass... I'd just get more guards if I where you.

Ben: I actually do because your brother killed 50 of them

Lau: Thats just the least of them once this poison runs out these chains aren't going to hold me. I promise

Ben: Actually I wouldn't worry about that I have about a months supply. Also the more your body takes it in the weaker you'll be. You've already been there for an hour and I know you feel like shit. Imagine days.

Lau: Larry my brother will be here to get me.

Ben: Oh I know. But for now I set a three million dollar bounty on your brother and Ava. When I get them I'm going to pass you along to someone who really wants to meet you.

Lau: You're not getting Ava. And if you touch her I swear to god

He pulled the chains so hard dust flew

Ben: I'm going to use her for her purpose because I always get what I want.

He laughed loudly

(The chapter is short but I wanted to update because of quarantine. Hope you're all safe!)

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