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Eve blows her nose into a tissue and takes a deep breath. Then she wipes away the rest of her tears and does a peace sign to her mirror. "Everything is fine." She murmurs to herself.

She just bought a new phone and found out everything on her old phone wasn't backed up. When she re-downloaded her social media apps, she received a dm that her boyfriend cheated on her. At first, she didn't believe it until they sent pictures of him kissing her best friend at a party. Luckily, she had her boyfriend's number memorized.

He confirmed that they actually slept together but that he was drunk and sorry. After breaking up with him over text, Eve went to type her ex-best friend's number. But she wasn't too sure if the last four digits were correct. "Fucking bitch." She whispers, angry at herself for being affected.

I get that some friendships aren't supposed to last forever. I was naive to think my best friend since 1st grade would always be there for me. But you fucking my ex was a bitch move. Hope you like my sloppy seconds 😊

Eve begins to feel a little better and turns off her phone. She begins to watch Once Upon a Time on her laptop and grabs some chips.

A few minutes later, her phone vibrates, telling her she got a text.

I think you have the wrong number...

Eve scoffs and rolls her eyes.

So now you're just going to pretend you did nothing wrong? Fuck you, Taylor.

Eve is about to block the number when she receives a picture. She looks at it and then reads the text.

*File Attachment*
My name is definitely not Taylor... But here's a picture of a donut I'm eating to help you feel better :)

I think I messed up one of the numbers when I typed the number in. Sorry to have disturbed you and your donut.

All is forgiven. Are you okay?

Ya, I was just pissed at Taylor. But it's probably best she didn't receive that text.

If it makes you feel better, I'd be angry if my best friend fucked my ex

I thought girl code was a thing, but I guess not

You're better off single if your ex did that

True, but it's gonna suck walking around school alone

Before Eve realizes what she's done, she sends the text.


Thanks for checking this book out! 😊

I hope you'll stay until the end! 🙏

Hope to see you in the next chapter! 💫

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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