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Eve | Noah
Time Skip

"That's the last of them," Noah says, placing down a box.

Eve admires her man's muscles and doesn't realize he's saying something. "Kit Kat?" Noah asks, lifting an eyebrow.

Eve looks up and asks, "What?"

Noah chuckles and wraps his arms around Eve. "Are you getting cold feet about living together?" Noah asks teasingly.

Eve grins, seeing through his playful facade. "Nope, I guess you're stuck with me." She says.

Feeling reassured, Noah cups her cheek. She leans into his touch, and he says, "I wouldn't call it stuck... But with you? Always."

Noah leans down to kiss her, and Eve smiles against his lips. "I love you," Eve whispers.

"I love you more," Noah says, pulling her into his chest.

Noah glances at the kitchen clock and asks, "Do you want to eat dinner at that Mexican restaurant down the street?"

Eve slightly pulls away and says, "Sure..."

Noah senses her discomfort and tightens his hold on her waist. Eve looks up, and Noah asks, "Why don't you want to eat there? I thought you loved their quesadillas."

Eve looks down and murmurs, "I don't really like that one server. She's always flirting with you..."

Noah's eyes soften, and he uses his finger to tilt her chin up. "Is my girlfriend jealous?" He asks.

This time, Eve pulls away and scoffs. Noah pouts at their distance, and Eve looks away. "It's annoying that she keeps hitting on you when she knows we're together," Eve explains.

"Kit Kat, look at me. Who wouldn't hit on me?" Noah jokes. Eve glares at him, not finding it funny.

"Eve. You're the love of my life, you know that, right?" Noah asks.

"I guess... But-" Eve gets cut off by Noah.

"No buts. Eve, you are literally the most important person in my life. I love you with everything I've got." He says, trying to reassure her.

Eve bites back her smile and mumbles, "And I love you with everything I've got."

Noah opens his arms wide, asking for a hug. Eve returns to his arms, and he lifts her up. She laughs and pecks his nose.

"Do you want some spaghetti? I can make some." Noah offers.

Eve smiles and nods. He carries her to the kitchen and places her on the counter. "Do you need any help?" Eve asks.

Noah stands in between her legs and kisses her jaw. "I can handle cooking pasta," Noah mumbles while kissing her neck.

Eve laughs and pushes him away. "Your "love bites" are getting bigger, impossible to go unnoticed," Eve says.

"Good. People know you're taken." Noah smirks.

Eve rolls her eyes and hops off the counter. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Want some company?" Noah teases, grabbing a box of noodles.

"Very funny," Eve says sarcastically.

Noah softly smiles and starts preparing dinner.


Noah wakes up to an empty bed. He grabs his phone to check the time and sighs. He hears shuffling outside and gets out of bed. He silently opens his door and walks into Eve's room.

Eve has a random Netflix show playing in the background and doesn't hear Noah enter. "Kit Kat?" Noah whispers huskily, not fully awake.

Eve jumps and looks at Noah. "Sorry, did I wake you?" She asks.

Noah grabs ahold of her hand and says, "No, but it's 2 am. You should get some sleep."

"No, it's only- oh shit." She says, looking at her phone's time.

"I said one more box like 3 episodes ago." She murmurs, suddenly feeling tired.

"Let's get you to bed," Noah says, dragging her to his room.

Eve yawns and slips into the empty spot beside Noah. Noah rests his chin on Eve's head, and Eve wraps her whole body around Noah.

"I love you." She whispers before falling asleep.

Noah plants a kiss on her head and whispers, "I love you."


QOTD: What kind of home do you prefer? (House, apartment, etc.)

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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