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Eve | Noah
Time Skip

My Knight in Shining Armor 🥵😍❤️:

Kit Kat


I miss you

We literally saw each other 2 days ago

And I've missed you ever since :(

Awww <3

Can you please come over so I can cuddle with you?

I'll have to check my schedule

Eve gets off her bed and grabs her car keys. Her phone pings another text, and she opens it.

My feelings, babe </3


Yay! :)

She parks in his driveway and steps out of her car. Eve walks up to the front door, which swings open before she can knock.

Noah engulfs her in a hug and lifts her up. She squeals with surprise and smiles down at Noah. She wraps her legs around his torso, and he shuts the door.

He carries her to his room and drops her on his bed. "I didn't know you liked it rough," Eve says, smirking.

Noah pretends to choke her and says, "Only with you."

They both burst out laughing, and Eve sits up on his bed. Noah lies down beside her, and she leans down to kiss him. He smiles against her lips and cups her cheek.

When they pull away, Eve copies his position. Noah props himself on his elbow and asks, "What movie do you want to watch?"

Eve rolls off the bed and looks at his shelf, specifically only for Disney movies. "Have you seen all of these?" She asks.

"Probably. But that doesn't mean I'm a Disney expert." Noah responds.

"How about Aladdin?" Eve asks.

"The animated one or the live-action?" He asks.

"Live action? I haven't seen it..." Eve says, shrugging.

"Let's do it," Noah says, sitting up.

Eve sets up the tv while Noah grabs the snacks. He comes back up the stairs with cookies, popcorn, and chips.

Eve spots the Kit Kat bag in his hand and smiles. "You truly are the one for me," Eve says when Noah hands her the bag.

"Awww... Wait. You're talking about the Kit Kat, aren't you?" Noah asks, his shoulders sagging.

Eve puts the candy bag down and stands up. "You want to know a secret?" She asks.

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