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Eve | Noah

"That's all the notes we'll be taking for this unit. You guys can start packing up." Eve's teacher says.

Eve shoves her pen in her pencil pouch and zips up her backpack. She stands up and grabs her bag. Everyone gathers near the door, and the teacher says, "Stand by your desks."

"That includes you, Noah." The teacher says. Eve glances at him and almost laughs out loud.

When the bell rings, everyone bolts out the door, and the teacher says, "Have a good spring break, guys."

Eve fast walks towards the exit and into the student parking lot. Eve starts her car and plans on going back home.

"Wait, I need to buy sunblock!" Eve says, almost forgetting.

She starts driving towards the nearest Target and parks in an open spot. When she enters the building, she starts walking towards the beauty aisle.

She takes a turn and hears a guy talking. "Which sunscreen do we need?" He asks.

Eve moves forward and glances at the person on the phone. She sees it's Noah and immediately looks away.

She starts to feel nervous but then remembers he has no idea who she is. So with that, she keeps her cool and grabs the sunscreen she needs.

"I think they're out of Banana Boat 50." He says, looking in the wrong direction.

Eve spots it on the shelf and wonders if she should help him out. Making up her mind, she taps him on the shoulder and points at the sunscreen.

Noah stops talking and follows her finger. "Oh, thanks!" Noah says, flashing her a smile.

"No problem," Eve says, turning to leave the aisle.

"Your name's Eve, right? I think we have math and language arts together?" Noah says, stopping her from escaping.

She turns around and says, "Uh ya..." Feeling awkward, Eve's face starts to flush.

"Sorry, I just thought you looked familiar and wanted to ask." He says, shrugging.

Eve politely smiles and says, "Well, I've got to go pack, so I'll see you in school?"

"See you. Have a good spring break." He says, turning back around.

Eve leaves the aisle, pays, and starts driving home. Her phone vibrates, telling her she got a text. She takes a quick glance and sees it's from Noah.

When she parks in her garage, she grabs her phone to text back.

Have a safe flight tonight.
And remember, it's not as bad as you think it is!


I still have to finish packing :/

I just have to choose what clothes I'm wearing to the airport and pack food

Definitely bring a sweatshirt because it gets cold on the plane

Will do 👍

"Evelyn, finish washing the rest of your laundry! We have one more load before we leave." Eve's mom shouts.

"Okay!" Eve says, not moving from her bed.

I gtg do more laundry :(

You know what else you could do ;)

Shut up

Don't miss me too much

I won't

Sure, you won't

I won't!

Who are you trying to convince?

Eve's mouth drops in surprise, and she rolls her eyes.

You're annoying bye  -_-


QOTD: Do you get sunburnt easily?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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