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"Why are you still texting this person? What if it's a killer or pedophile? They can probably track my phone and kidnap me now!" Eve says to herself.

I'll keep you company

Eve's eyes widened. "Definitely a creep." She says.

Wait that sounds creepy. Please don't think I'm stalking you. I don't even know who you are

Idk... Still getting creepy vibes from you

I can prove I'm not creepy. I'm just a senior going to Westwood High. But if you're a minor/uncomfortable, you should just block me. I don't want a case.

Everything so far is legal. I'm 45 years old


Nah, I'm also a senior in high school 👌

Cool! Where do you go? (If that's creepy, I'll change the topic)

I also go to Westwood High

Are you joking? Now I feel like you're stalking me.

I can prove it! Mrs. Beckett is the worst math teacher ever

Ok, I believe you. I swear my GPA is suffering because of her

I have a low B, so I'm kind of stressed

What's your name? Maybe we're in the same class

Where's the fun in giving my identity away?

My name's Noah. Nice to meet you :)


Wow, are you leaving me hanging like that?

Wait, are you Noah Rhodes?

Ah, so you've heard of me


Then it's only fair you give me your name

Hmmm... No

Wow okay. How about if you're a guy or a girl?

Girl, that's all you get

Great, that eliminates half our grade

So you're trying to figure out who I am now?

I'm curious

Good luck with that lol


QOTD: What's your favorite color?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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