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Eve | Noah

Eve finishes getting ready and grabs her phone. "FaceTime Ames." She asks Siri.

When the call connects, Amethyst shouts, "Hey bitch!"

Eve laughs and shows her her final look. "What do you think, Ames?"


Amethyst gasps and says, "You look gorgeous! Are you wearing makeup?"

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Amethyst gasps and says, "You look gorgeous! Are you wearing makeup?"

"No... Should I?" Eve asks, worried.

"No, you look beautiful without it. I never realized how clear your skin is. I was going to ask for a tutorial since my foundation starts to crease after an hour." Amethyst says, laughing.

"Thank you. My ex-best friend used to tell me, the only way a guy would be interested in me is if I wore makeup." Eve says quietly.

"There's a reason she's your ex-best friend. You don't need to cover up anything if you don't want to. You're already beautiful. Only wear makeup if it makes you feel good and fuck other people's opinions." Amethyst says.

"Awww, thank you, Ames!" Eve says, almost tearing up at her thoughtful words.

"Text me after, okay?" Amethyst asks.

Eve smiles and says, "You know I will."

When they end the call, Eve looks at the clock. "He should be here soon unless I get stood up. Damn, that would hurt." Eve thinks as she puts on her boots.

She hears the doorbell ring and sees Noah through the window. Her heart rate starts to increase, and she slowly unlocks the door.

Noah slowly checks out Eve, and she starts to blush. "Hi..." She says, awkwardly waving.

Noah's face breaks into a smile, and he wraps his arms around Eve. "You look breathtaking..." Noah murmurs.

"You look-" Eve was cut off by Noah's lips, and she held in a laugh.

Noah pulls away and rests his forehead against hers. "Sorry, I couldn't help it." He says sheepishly.

"I'm not complaining," Eve says, pecking his lips.

Noah grabs ahold of her hand and guides her to his car. 30 minutes later, they finally reach their destination.

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