❂ o l d f a s h i o n e d ❂

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Eve | Noah

Eve glances at the time and starts to accelerate on the road. Eve sighs with relief when she sees her school nearing. She sharply turns to park her car and sees she got a text.

My Knight in Shining Armor ❤️:

Where are you?

I ignored my alarm too many times :(
But donut worry, I'm in the parking lot

I wasn't worried


Eve quickly exits her car and sprints towards the building. She enters her class's hallway and makes it just in time.

When she gets to her desk, she's panting. Noah glances at her and hands her his water bottle. She looks up and gives him a thankful smile.


While Amethyst is talking about her weekend, Eve hears someone say, "Come on, Noah! Tell me who she is."

She shushes Amethyst and whispers, "Sorry, I think they're talking about me." Amethyst nods and starts eavesdropping. Eve subtly looks around for Noah.

Noah makes eye contact with her but quickly looks away. "She's in this cafeteria." He says, biting back a smile.

Amethyst and Eve watch Noah's friend glance around the whole cafeteria. "And so is every other girl at our school." Noah's friend says, unamused.

"Should I introduce myself?" Eve asks Amethyst.

"Definitely," Amethyst says.

Eve stands up and walks towards Noah. His friend is still clueless, and Noah's face breaks into a smile.

She purposely bumps into him and says, "Get out of my way."

"Actually, you were in my way, Kit Kat." He says, smirking.

Eve rolls her eyes, and he wraps an arm around her waist. "Is this her?" His friend asks, finally connecting the pieces.

Eve pretends to be disgusted and responds, "Me? Date him? Never."

"Oh, sorr-" His friend says before Noah presses a kiss against her cheek.

Eve laughs, and Noah says, "She's just kidding."

"You guys are confusing." He says, unsure if they're telling the truth.

"You guys want to sit with Amethyst and me?" Eve asks.

They both nod, and Amethyst says, "Finally. I thought you were going to abandon me here. Eating alone like a loser."

Eve laughs and takes her spot beside Amethyst. "You know I wouldn't ditch you like that, Ames," Eve says, watching Noah sit beside her.

"I'm Wes." He says, introducing himself.

"I'm Eve, the one, unfortunately, dating him." She says, pointing at Noah.

Noah playfully rolls his eyes and whispers, "I'm going to have to do something with that mouth of yours if you continue this."

Eve smirks and whispers, "I'd like to see you try."

Wes doesn't notice them talking and asks Amethyst, "And what's your name, beautiful?"

"Amethyst." She responds, uninterested. "I'm in your grade."

Wes smirks and asks, "I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away."

Amethyst is caught off guard but then says, "I don't. But I know karate, and I could rip your lungs out."

Everyone at the table laughs, and they start talking about their day. Soon, lunch is over, and they have to return to class.


Eve and Noah are walking to their last class when Eve catches Taylor glaring at her.

"What the fuck are you looking at bitch?" Eve asks.

"I see you've become a loner. You really are a pathetic whore. No wonder your boyfriend broke up with you." Taylor says smugly.

Noah steps forward, about to respond, when Eve places a hand on his chest. He immediately stops and waits for Eve's response.

"Did you really just call me a whore? When you purposely slept with someone already in a relationship? That just shows how desperate you are for dick. Not that he had one. And I broke up with his cheating ass, not the other way around." Eve says, rolling her eyes.

"You can take his 2-inch dick and shove it up your sorry ass. I'd rather be alone than have a backstabbing bitch as my friend."

Noah smiles, knowing Eve finally stood up for herself. "We have to get to class now." He says, grabbing ahold of Eve's hand. They ignore Taylor's shocked face and walk away.

"Feel better?" Noah asks.

Eve grins and says, "I'm glad I could get everything off my chest. Now I can focus on people who actually matter in my life."

Noah cheekily smiles and lightly squeezes her hand. "Do I count as one of those people?" Noah asks shyly.

"Of course," Eve says, reassuring him. "You are my knight in shining armor, aren't you?"

"As long as you're my Kit Kat." He responds. A few moments later, he asks, "Is his dick really two inches?"

Eve shrugs and says, "Probably. I never slept with him."

"Well, I can promise you mine's bigger." He whispers in her ear.

Eve's eyes widen, and she smacks his arm. Noah laughs, and she rolls her eyes. "Well, sorry to disappoint, but I'm waiting until marriage."

Noah's unfazed by her comment and says, "I can wait."

Eve looks away, hiding a blush, and Noah restrains from kissing her in the hallway.


QOTD: Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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