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Eve | Noah

"Hey, is this seat taken?" A girl asks Eve.

Eve looks up from her phone and says, "No, you can take it." Since Eve has started eating in the cafeteria alone, she's used to people taking a chair to sit with their friends.

The girl stays put and says, "Oh, I meant, like, if I could just sit here... with you?"

"Oh. Sure." Eve says, shrugging.

"I had a falling out with my friend group, and you seemed cool to hang out with." She says, not sure if she should sit down.

"Same thing happened to me." Eve sighs. "Sit, sit!" Eve says, scooting over.

"Thanks. I'm Amethyst, by the way." She says, unpacking her lunch.

"I'm Evelyn, but most people call me Eve," Eve responds.

"Are you also a junior?" She asks curiously.

"Senior." She says.

"Are you excited to leave high school?" She asks.

"Hell ya," Eve says tiredly. "Did you do anything over spring break?"

"I went to Vancouver and Cabo to see family." She says.

"That's cool! Were you born there?" Eve asks.

"I wish. I would kill for a Canadian accent." She says, chuckling. While Eve was laughing, her phone vibrated on the table.

My Knight in Shining Armor:

Hey Kit Kat

Hi :)

"Boyfriend?" Amethyst asks with a smirk.

"Oh no, just a friend," Eve says, waiting for a text back.

"Your face says something different," Amethyst says. Eve kicks Amethyst under the table, and Amethyst starts to laugh.

"He doesn't even know who I am." Eve murmurs.

You should come by my work today


So I can finally put a face on the girl who makes my day when she texts me ;)

Hm... Not convincing enough

I might have convinced the owner to buy Boston Kreme donuts

Omg really?!

"Random question," Eve says, looking at Amethyst.

"Random answer." She responds.

"Do you like Boston Kreme donuts?" Eve asks.

Amethyst excitedly nods and says, "Yes! They're my favorite. But the only place I can find them is at the airport or a gas station. But the gas station one sucks."

"Dunkin' Donuts has some now," Eve says excitedly.

"Do you want to go after school?" Amethyst asks. "I haven't had one of their iced lattes in forever."

"Let's do it," Eve says, happy she made a friend.

"I can tell we're going to get along just fine," Amethyst says.

The bell rings, and Eve and Amethyst separate paths for class. Eve's phone receives another text from Noah.

I feel like you're more excited to eat the Boston Kreme donut than see me :(

Babe, don't be like that

Eve enters her language arts class and sits at her assigned desk. Her eyes unintentionally dart to the door when Noah enters the classroom.

"Why do you keep texting this Princess Peach?" One of Noah's friends asks.

"Leave me alone," Noah says, trying to shield his phone.

"Is she a booty call or something?" His friend asks, taunting him.

"No," Noah says seriously.

Before they can continue their conversation, the teacher starts to take attendance. Eve glances down at her phone and sees she got a text.

So does that mean I'll see you?

I mean, technically, we have class together
But it's a maybe

Wait, did you see me today?

Uh ya...

Are we in the same classroom right now?

I'm not telling you!
Stalkers aren't supposed to give themselves away ;)

Noah laughs but immediately stops when the teacher looks at him. When the teacher returned to teaching, Noah started glancing around the classroom. Eve subtly put her phone away so he wouldn't be suspicious of her.

Are you stalking me, Kit Kat?

I will neither confirm nor deny, babe

"Noah, put it away, or it's mine." The teacher says.

Teacher caught me again :/
Kit Kat, you're such a bad influence

Eve scoffs but covers it with a cough. Noah glances at her, but Eve doesn't notice.


QOTD: What's your favorite class?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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