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Eve | Noah


One more week until spring break!


I'm just excited for no homework

In history, do you have to do a presentation on one of the units?

Ya, I chose the third unit since it was the easiest one to learn.

Same! I got a 100% on the test.

Do you guys get to work with partners?


Who's your partner?

No one 😂

Am I in your history class?

I'm not giving you any hints

But if I were, I probably would have asked for you to join Trey and I

I don't need pity, Noah
And anyway, when I have a partner, they usually make me do all the work

I don't pity you
You just seem like a cool person to hang out with

Well, thanks for the compliment, I guess

No problem ;)

Eve smiles at the text and exits the app.


QOTD: Do you like working with others or alone?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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