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Eve | Noah

Eve's phone vibrates in her pocket, and she glances at Noah. She sees he's hiding his phone on his leg, so she subtly opens the notification.

My Knight in Shining Armor:

You promise not to bail after school?

I swear on Boston Kreme donuts

And Kit Kats?

...That's asking for a lot

Babe -_-

And on Kit Kats
Do you swear to show up and not automatically leave?

I would never leave you, Kit Kat.

Eve smiles at the text and starts typing.

T-minus 5 more classes

I know! I literally can't focus in class today

"Eve, is something more important happening on your phone than my class?" The teacher asks.

"Yes, bitch." Eve thinks in her head.

"Sorry," Eve says, trying not to roll her eyes. She puts away her phone, and the teacher continues the lesson.


To My Knight in Shining Armor:

I'm heading there now
Please don't bail

I promise :)

Eve parks near the entrance and opens the door. She looks around and relaxes when she doesn't see Noah.

"Hi, what can I get you?" A worker named Scarlett asks.

"Can I have a hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin, please?" She asks, handing her her credit card.

"Of course. Your total will be $6.90," Scarlett says.

She watches Scarlett drop the blueberry muffin in a paper bag, and then she prepares her hot chocolate.

"Here you go." She says, handing Eve her order.

Eve sits in the corner of the cafe, with a view of the window. She keeps herself busy on her phone until she spots Noah.

She stops breathing for a second and doesn't look up. She sees Noah's feet move towards her, and she fidgets in her seat.

"Kit Kat?" Noah whispers, shocked.

She slowly looks up and shyly says, "Hi."

He slips into the seat beside her and stares at her. They both don't say anything until Eve breaks the silence. "Sorry, I'm shocked you're actually here." She says, nervously laughing.

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