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Eve | Noah
Time Skip

Eve is at the grocery store deciding which flavor of chips to buy when her phone rings. Without looking at the caller ID, she answers.

She hears a girl giggling and furrows her eyebrows. When she looks at the caller ID, her heart drops.

"Hello?" She asks, worried.

"Hazel, give daddy the phone." She hears.

She hears more giggling, and Eve sighs. "What's happening?" She asks.

"Kit Kat, are you still there?" Noah asks.

"Do you need something?" She asks, grabbing a bag of barbecue chips.

"We ran out of apple juice," Noah says.

"Okay, I'll add it to the list." She says.

"Thanks, wifey," Noah says.

Eve smiles at the title and says, "I'll see you at home, okay?"

"I love you," Noah says.

"I love you," Eve says, hanging up.

After she's done grabbing everything off her list, she goes to the checkout line. A few minutes later, she loads the groceries into her car and drives back home.

She grabs the first batch of groceries and opens the door. When she opens the door to her home, she is greeted by Noah and Hazel sitting at the dining table.

"Mama!" Hazel says, making grabby hands for Eve.

"Hi, baby," Eve says, taking Hazel out of her high chair.

"I'll grab the groceries." Noah murmurs while kissing Eve.

Hazel's small hand plays with a strand of Eve's hair, and Eve gently kisses her forehead. "I love you." She whispers, causing Hazel to smile.

Eve starts to hum a lullaby, and Hazel slowly falls asleep. Noah comes back in with the last batch of groceries and starts placing the items in the refrigerator/pantry.

"How was she?" Eve asks.

"She was fine in the beginning. But when I needed to go to the bathroom, she started wailing. So I probably took the quickest shit ever so that I could return to her." Noah says, laughing.

Eve laughs along while taking her shoes off. She walks into their living room and settles on the couch. She carefully lies down, and Hazel snuggles closer to her.

Noah follows and sits down at the opposite end. Eve immediately lifts her feet and places them on Noah's lap.

She hears him chuckle and says, "Peasant, massage my feet."

"Of course, my queen." He replies.

Surprisingly, Noah follows, and Eve relaxes. Eve starts to feel her eyelids shut, but before she dozes off, she murmurs to Noah, "I love you."

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