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Eve | Noah

"Hey, Eve," Amethyst says, meeting her at the front entrance.

"Do you need a ride?" Eve asks.

"I, uh, actually take the bus... Is it okay if you drive me?" She asks shyly. "I have gas money."

"No," Eve states seriously.

"Oh. T-that's okay. I-" Amethyst stutters.

Eve's straight face falls apart, and she starts laughing. "I'm just kidding! Of course, I can drive you! I could also drop you off at your house, so you don't need to call anyone to pick you up." She suggests.

"Really? Thank you!" Amethyst says excitedly.

Amethyst follows Eve into the parking lot and says, "I wasn't one of those people who got a car when they turned 16. My parents couldn't afford another car, so I'm trying to save up for one."

Eve softly smiles and says, "I was in the same boat. The minute I turned 14, I applied for a fast-food job and started saving. I knew my parents weren't buying me one, but they did help me choose which car to buy."

When Eve parks in front of Dunkin' Donuts, Eve starts to feel nervous.

"Is everything alright?" Amethyst asks.

"Y-ya?" Eve says, confused about why she's nervous.

"You're not supposed to answer it with another question," Amethyst says with a grin.

That makes Eve laugh, and she says, "Are you ready for some hopefully good Boston Kreme donuts?"

"Hell ya," Amethyst says, exiting the car.

They walk inside, and Eve automatically makes eye contact with Noah. Eve averts her eyes away and turns to Amethyst.

"Hey, I got to go use the bathroom real quick. Just order me a Boston cream donut with a hazelnut iced latte." Amethyst says, handing Eve her card.

"Wait!" Eve whispers. The nerves start to come back, but Eve forces her feet to move forward.

"Hey, Eve! What can I get you?" He asks, taping something on the register screen.

"How is he even cuter up close?" Eve thinks to herself.

"I'll just have two Boston Kreme donuts and a hazelnut iced latte, please," Eve says, taking out her credit card.

Noah freezes, and Eve looks up. "Are you okay?" She asks, clearing her throat.

"What? Ya, sorry." He says, chuckling awkwardly.

As she pays, Amethyst comes back from the restroom. Noah glances at her and then turns to grab the order.

"Here are your donuts." He says, dropping them into a paper bag.

Amethyst grabs it and says, "Thank you."

After he's done making Amethyst's drink, he hands it in Eve's direction. Before she could secure her hold, he dropped it, causing it to spill all over her clothes.

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