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Eve | Noah

Eve walks into her first class and settles at her desk. When she notices Noah walking in, she pretends to look busy on her phone. Through the corner of her eye, she sees Noah surveying the room.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Noah asks.

Some people look up, while others ignore him. Eve subtly looks in his direction, and he asks, "Who here likes Boston Kreme donuts?"

Almost everyone in the class raised their hand, so Eve thought it was safe to follow along.

"Did you bring us some?" A random student asks.

Noah frowns and says, "No, just a random question."

My Knight in Shining Armor:

I hope you appreciate the work I'm putting in to find out who you are

Eve laughs out loud and types a response.

I have no idea what you're talking about

You will soon enough :)


Amethyst meets me at our lunch table and asks, "Did Noah Rhodes come into your classroom and ask if people liked Boston Kreme donuts?"

"Ya, that might be because of me..." Eve says, hiding a smile.

"What? Details." Amethyst says seriously.

Eve laughs and says, "So I was friends with this girl, and long story short, she fucked my ex. We were literally still together. I'm over him, but friends shouldn't fuck their friends' partners, you know?"

"I agree. Girl code." Amethyst says.

"I was gonna text her to end our friendship but typed the wrong number. It turns out I texted Noah, and we just started texting."

"Does he know it's you?" Amethyst asks.

"No... He just knows I'm a girl, and I'm in at least one class with him." Eve says.

"Do you have feelings for him?" Amethyst asks randomly.

Eve almost chokes on her food and says, "What? Why would you ask that?"

Amethyst gives her an unimpressed look and says, "Look at him."

Eve glances at him and softly smiles. "He's cute and seems like a nice guy if he keeps texting back."

"If he finds out who I am, he might get disappointed and stop texting me," Eve says, shrugging. "Being friends is also fine with me."

"Girl, do not downgrade yourself. Have some confidence." Amethyst says, smiling.

"Confidence? Where can I buy that?" Eve asks, dramatically looking around the cafeteria. Amethyst laughs and kicks her under the table.

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