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Eve | Noah


Hey, I've got a question

What's up?

Have you ever been on a plane?


I've never ridden one, and my family is going to the Bahamas over spring break.

Babe, are you flexing on me right now?

No! I was just wondering how bad it is

It's not too bad! Taking off and landing are the only "bad parts," but most of the time, it's smooth. Turbulence just makes you feel a little queasy.

Thanks for answering
Are you going anywhere during spring break?

I'm going to Chicago to see some of my family

That's nice! Are you flying or driving?


When do you leave?

Next Friday after school. You?


Don't forget about me when you leave the country!

I could never forget about you :P

Awww, so sweet, babe

I try


QOTD: Have you ever flown somewhere?

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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