Chapter 10

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Then they are all left the hall and we (year 10s) pulled up some of the chairs into a circle and discussed what to do.

"Right who's good at cooking? We need meals to be made." Midnight said.

"I am and so is Sarah." Bella said.

"Would you mind cooking the food," Midnight said.

"No problem, any requests?" I answered.

"How about just sandwiches." Midnight replied

"Ok." Bella said.

"Right I need a few people to clean the bathrooms." Midnight said.

"How about Britney and Lucy." Amy suggested. Britney and Lucy were Amy's entourage.

"Brilliant." Midnight said

"But-" Lucy started but quickly stopped after Amy shot her a look.

"Amy I want you to be in charge of making sure everything gets done because I know you won't take any shit from anyone." Midnight said "I also want some people to go on a search party in the woods for any sources of why the teachers may have gone. If you do find anything then go to the security room on the top floor. That's where I'll be; I will then use the speaker phones and call a meeting. If I call a warning on a certain floor I want the rest of you to report to the floor with equipment."

"I'll do security with you." said a voice. It was Adam. Of course he would ask to be with Midnight alone. Actually, I didn't know if it was a small space because I've never seen the room-But still.

"Right ok, let's get going." said Amy. Every one left the hall all going different ways. I headed to the kitchen and Bella and I started on lunch. It was all going well until Wednesday.

On Wednesday it all went wrong.

"Adam, do you see that?" said Midnight.

"See what." Adam asked.

"The figures behind those trees."


Midnight jumped to the microphone connected to the speakerphones and said "All students go to their dorms and lock all doors and windows, Year 10s report to equipment room."

I jumped up and run down the corridor behind Midnight and Adam. We all grabbed massive amounts of weapons as soon as we got there.

"What's happening?" Chantelle said.

"The school is under attack by vampires," Midnight said there no fright in her voice. She grabbed up a gun filled with a special liquid and started a fast paced walk towards the emergency exit doors. She pushed them both wide open. I swallowed hard and I saw shady figures behind the fence. Suddenly, they climbed over the fence and stood right in front of us, now the fight begins. One jumps at me but disintegrated on me as Midnight hit it using the gun. She shot at them every which and so did Bella, Amy, Chantelle, Britney, Lucy and the others year 10s. Then they ran out of the liquid and the vampires started to pile in. Midnight starts fist fighting. But everyone else's reflexes were too slow and vampires started winning. But I didn't give up that easily. I tried fist fighting but it didn't work so I retreated and found more of the liquid. I started throwing it to people, they quickly grabbed it; the shooting continued. I kept throwing it to them. My hand hit the cement; I felt round the floor for more. I looked at where my hand was, the was no more left. We were screwed.

"Pass me another bottle." shouted Chantelle.

"There is no more." I shouted back.

"Were screwed." she shouted back.

Then all the vampires stopped and froze in their tracks. There stared at me or were they. I looked behind me there was Adam holding a gun but I had never seen it before. He took off the safety and aimed it at the first vampire in range. They slowly back away; climbed the fence and ran into the woods. It was over. We had won. We headed back inside except Midnight who stood there for a while and stared at the fence before she came inside.

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