Chapter 20

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“So you’re basically a spy.” said the boy.

“I guess so.” said Adam.

“That’s cool, but why don’t you want to fight this war thingy.” asked the boy.

“I don’t like violence.” Adam replied.

“Really?” asked the boy.

“Really.” Adam repeated.

Suddenly, Bella burst in to the classroom.

“The MHI is here.” Bella gasped, she was tired from running here.

“What’s the MHI?” I asked.

“It stands for Monster Hunting Intelligence.” she replied.

“That’s not good.” Adam said sounding slightly panicked.

“Go hide in the dungeons. Hope fully they won’t find you there.” Bella said.

He ran as fast as he could towards the arena. Then there were voices they were coming from the hall. Bella and I follow the sounds of the voices. We saw three men, two bigger than the other one; they were wearing suits and ties.

“Are you sure there is a vampire here.” asked the small man.

He sees me and starts to walk towards us.

“Hello, I’m Agent Zen. These are my co-workers, Agent Ying and Yang.” said Agent Zen.

“Nice to meet you but why are you here?” I asked.

“We were reported that there was a vampire here by one of our agents.” he told us.

“Which agent?” Bella asked.

“I’m afraid that’s classified,” he stated.

“Ok, so what are you going to do here,” I asked.

“Were just going to do a check of the building and we’ll be off,” he explained “We’ll start in the dungeons.”

My jaw dropped.

“Ok, I’ll take you there.” said Bella trying to draw attention away from my dropped jaw.

We started to walk down the corridor.

“So, what do you do as agents?” Bella asked breaking the silence between each other.

“That’s classified information.” he replied.

“So is your last name really Zen?” I added.

“That’s classified information.” he said.

“Where do you live?” Bella asked.

“At MHI headquarters.” he answered finally.

“Where’s that?” Bella asked again.

“That’s classified information?” he said.                      

“Is there you can tell us about yourselves?” I asked as we started to descend the stairs.

“We’ve already told you what we can.” he said.

It’s a good thing we’re here because that conversation was going nowhere. They stride past the cage of monsters inspecting everyone and then the doors on the end of the corridor. Checking, each one for the slightest bit of proof that there is a vampire here; they couldn’t find anything.

“Well, I guess the agent was wrong.” he said. Then there was a noise. It was coming from the ceiling in a vent. Agent Zen walked over to it so he was directly underneath it. He opened it and Adam fell on the floor. “Found the vampire.” he said. Agent Ying and Yang came forward.

“Put your hands behind your back.” commanded Agent Zen. He did as they asked. I followed them out; watched them push Adam in the back of a van and drive away.  They had Adam, how are we going to get him out of this? But more importantly, who ratted him out? I was going to find out. It couldn’t be me- obviously. But it could have been anyone else: Bella, Chantelle, Amy, Britney, Lucy or even Dan. Dan was a friend of Adam’s who had not been talking to him since he found out. I can’t blame him, I wouldn’t like it I found out that my best friend is a vampire. I needed to find out. I stride towards the security room, open the heavy door, entered and then let the door slam shut. I sat down in a chair next to the microphone.

“Please can all Year 10s report to the Hall, there’s an important thing that needs sorting out now so please be there soon.” my voice boomed through the microphone and speakers. I sprinted to the hall. I stood there for 10 minutes and they strolled in without a care in the world. Had they not heard the second part? This was important. Soon everyone was here; they lined up. It was time to get to work. It was time to find the traitor, who betrayed Adam; who betrayed our bargin.

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