"Shen Yue!"
"What is it?"
"Do you want some? Have some! I'll feed you."
"Oh, all right."
Shen Yue bent down to take a bite of the cookie from Didi's hand. She already had an unwrapped cookie in her own hand, but he was so insistent that she gave in.
As soon as she bent her head, he quickly stuffed the entire cookie in his mouth and laughed at her.
"Wang He Di!" She ran after him, slapping his arm and kicking him in the shin.
They were both freezing from the many takes that they had to do for the scene where Daoming Si and Shancai visit his family's hotel after Daoming Si's birthday. Even though the scene appears as if it were taking place in the spring, they were filming during winter. While Shen Yue had long sleeves, her white dress was short, exposing her legs. Didi was wearing a tuxedo, the coat and bow made out of a royal blue velvet.
When the cameras were rolling, they could acutely feel the sharp, biting wind and chill, but in between takes, they were able to climb into their large down parkas. The staff would also hand them bottles filled with hot water and rubber hand warmers. Sometimes, Shen Yue was able to put on leggings and slippers, which she greatly appreciated. She generally preferred comfort over fashion.
Didi's playfulness also helped with the cold. She looked over at him fondly. He really is a handsome guy, she thought. He's going to make someone very lucky someday...once he grows up. Now that she had been working with him for some time, she could tell that he was the perfect embodiment of Daoming Si. He not only had a commanding presence, which had left an impression on her from their first meeting, he was also a big kid at heart. He loved to prank the staff and the other actors, including herself. Yet, she knew that as playful as he was, he also worked hard and took the directions that he was given very seriously.
Shen Yue considered the scene that they were shooting. I can understand how Shancai feels like she does not know what to do with Daoming Si. She has never been in this situation, where a boy is openly declaring his feelings for her, and so boldly and directly. With Qinghe, they were friends from high school, and even though she knows he has a crush on her, she is quite clear that she cares for him as a friend. With Lei, she had a crush on him, but she knows that he truly loves Jing, and she may even be conflicted about her feelings for him. Daoming Si, on the other hand, destroyed her phone, threw food at her, assaulted her, and tried to proposition her into being his girlfriend. His mother also just tried to humiliate her in public. Yet, she also could not forget that she has seen his kind and gentle side. He has saved her time and time again, and he even defied his mother for her. The thing is...she never asked him to do any of those things, and moved as she is by his actions, and she probably has to admit that she is attracted to him and cares for him, at least a little bit, or else why would she make him those cookies, but even so, if she were to truly examine her feelings for him...
That's it! Shen Yue felt great sympathy for her character. Shancai is scared. Daoming Si asked her when she will be honest with herself, but if she were to be honest with herself, she would have to admit that she is afraid. Afraid of what it might mean to like Daoming Si, what would it lead to, what could it lead to, and how things could change. The easier thing is to continue being friends. Then nothing would have to change. No risk, no gain, but also no loss and no complications. Poor Shancai, Shen Yue thought, she is a strong character, and she doesn't seem to be scared of anything or anyone, but she is scared of loving Daoming Si.
Shen Yue looked over at Didi. He was covered in a down parka and holding a rubber hand warmer. He saw her looking at him. "Cold?" he asked. "Here, hold this," and offered her the handwarmer.
"Thanks," she said gratefully.
"What were you thinking about just now?" he asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You had a faraway look on your face."
"I was just thinking about Shancai and Daoming Si and the scene we're about to shoot. I came to a new understanding."
"Oh?" he teased. "Tell me more."
"Stop it," she laughed. "The audience is going to hate me because you keep trying to kiss me and hold my hand, and instead of being with you, I keep pushing you away. I know they're all going to think, 'How could you not be with such a handsome guy?'"
"Don't forget," he said. "I also am super cool, drive a nice car, am great at basketball and bridge, and made my first million when I was 18."
"How could I forget," she said drily.
"Do you really think about what the audience thinks when you act?" he asked seriously.
"Not all the time," she replied. "I try to do the role I have justice, and if anything, I want the audience to understand the character."
Didi admired Shen Yue's dedication to acting. He thought she looked especially beautiful tonight. Maybe it was how she looked in white, maybe it was the scene they were shooting, or maybe it was the night sky and the cold weather. Whatever it was, she looked like she gave off a luminescence like the moon.
He reached out and held her hand. Instead of pulling away or swatting it, she squeezed his hand.
"Rehearsing already?" she asked.
"Just thought we could keep each other warm," he replied simply.
"Thanks," she said gratefully. "That would be nice."
He sneaked a glance at her. Better than nice.
"Okay, everyone! Let's get ready for the next take!" the director called out.
"That's our cue," Shen Yue said, letting go of Didi's hand.
"All right, all right, coming!" Didi yelled, quickly stuffing his hand in his pocket. He didn't want to let go of the feeling of holding Shen Yue's hand in his.
Shen Yue was already at her marker as Didi rushed to get to his. He was grateful that he was going to be filmed behind Shen Yue so that she could not see his face. As new as he was to acting, he knew he could not hide his crush on her, from her or from anyone. Wait a minute, he thought. I can use this. Daoming Si loves Shancai, no one will be able to tell if I'm being real or if I'm acting.
He hugged Shancai from the back. "Hey!" said Shen Yue, "We haven't started rolling yet."
"I'm cold, and Daoming Si needs his Shancai," he looked at her impishly.
"All right, all right," she laughed. "That actually is quite comforting."
"Places, everyone!" the director yelled.
Didi took a look around at the staff, the crew, and Shen Yue, and with his arms around her, he thought, not many people can live this life. I am too lucky. Then he grinned. Hey, he reminded himself, I am Wang He Di, and luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
He held Shen Yue a little tighter, and to his surprised delight, she did not protest. She may think it's only because I'm cold, and she's half right. He grinned, then quickly composed his face to a neutral expression when he noticed someone was holding up a phone.
I'm Daoming Si, he thought, and I am never letting go of Shancai.