For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey layed in bed. She looked over at her alarm clock on her bed side table. It read 6:55am. Five more minutes and it would go off. Lacey could hear her family moving around the house, getting ready. She yawned. She hadn't slept good that night. She tossed and turned and waited, but sleep didn't come. She jumped when her alarm finally went off. She shut it off and sat up in bed. "First day of school. Yay." She said sarcastically to herself.

She walked into the kitchen and saw her two younger brothers. Lacey was the oldes of three kids. Gabe, who is 13, is the middle child. He had light brown hair and wore glasses. He was starting to hit a growth spurt and Lacey couldn't believe he was almost as tall as she was. Noah, who was 6 and was known as the baby of the family was little with dark brown hair. Both the boys were eating breakfast and watching T.V. Lacey walked to the fridge and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning boys."

"Morning Lacey," said Noah.

Lacey finished her o.j.and went to get ready. She brushed her teeth and went to pick out some clothes. She chose something simple, blue jeans and a red shirt with sleeves that came to her elbows. She walked into her bathroom and brushed her hair and put it up in a ponytail. She stared at herself in her full length mirror. Lacey was about 5' 6" with a tan complexion that her friends were jealous of. She had deep brown eyes and long dark brown hair that almost looked black. She sighed and put on her flip flops and walked out of her room. She grabbed her gym bag and keys off the hook.

"Bye Dad!" she yelled, knowing her dad would hear her. "Bye boys, don't forget to get out here and meet the bus or you'll miss it."

"We won't forget," Gabe said rolling his eyes. Lacey did the same back and walked to her car.

She climbed in her yellow bug. She loved her car. It was her 16th birthday present rom her family. She turned the key and turned on the radio. She backed out of her driveway and drove to school. Lacey lived in a small town. It was one of those towns that everybody knew everybody, and she loved it. She only lived about a mile from school so the drive didn't take long. When she got there she found a parking spot and got out.

Walking up to the school she had butterflies in her stomach, but she couldn't seem to figure out why. She was getting ready to walk into the same school she'd always gone into. She was going to see the same kids she always saw. And she was going to sit through class all day like she did every year. So what was the big deal? She walked through the doors and to the cafeteria. She smiled when she saw that her friends were already at their same table. She walked over and took a seat.

"LACEY!" they all yelled. She couldn't help but laugh. Her best friend Tara was the first to hug her.

"I missed you!" she said. Tara was about 5'3" with short strawberry blonde hair and gray eyes.

"I missed you too! And you too Ryan!" Lacey said giving the only guy in their group a hug. Ryan was about 5'8" with light brown curly hair. Out of a whole group of girls, he was the comedic relief.

"And I missed you too!" he said smiling. Lacey looked at the other members of the group. There was Tristin, who was about the same hight as Lacey. She had dark brown hair as well, and she had freckles. Then there was Hannah and Nicole. Nicole was short with long blonde hair. She was well known for being the school's gossip queen. And Hannah was her wing man. She had long brown hair and piercing green eyes, but Lacey thought she was probably the nicest person she'd ever met.

Lacey found herself getting into her normal rythm of things. She began to think she was crazy for ever even being nervous in the first place. They were all laughing from a joke that Ryan had just told when the bell rang. Lacey pulled out her schedule and groaned.

"What's your first class?" asked Tara.

"Math!" Lacey whined.

"At least you have it with Temple." said Tristin.

"Yeah I guess. Well I'll see you guys next hour for gym."

"Later!" They both yelled to her.

Lacey walked in and found a seat towards the back. Math was by far her worst subject. She'd just sat down when someone said her name. "Lacey!" She looked up.

"Oh hey coach!" she said smiling at her basketball coach.

"You're in my geometery class?" he asked her. Coach Temple, or 'Temp' as the girls on the team called him, tall, about 6'2" with short dark brown hair.

"Unfortunately. Not that I don't like having class with you coach, I just really hate your subject."

"Well I'll help you through it. Don't worry," he smiled and walked away.

"Thanks coach," said Lacey sitting down. She knew what he really meant by "help you through it". What he really meant to say was "I'll round all of your F's up to C's". The perk of your basketball coach as your math teacher. The bell rang and Temp went to shut the door to begin class. But before he could close it someone put their foot in front of it. Temple opened it up and in slipped Aaron Matthews.

"Cutting it pretty close Aaron."

"Sorry about that Coach. The office couldn't find my schedule."

"Well go find a seat."

Aaron walked towards Lacey and sat in the empty seat behind her. As he walked by he flashed her a smile. Lacey returned it half heartedly. She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Aaron was the most popular guy in school,and it really wasn't too hard to see why. He was the son of the richest guy in town, he was drop dead gorgeous, and he was extermely athletic. He was about 6 foot with sand brown hair. It always seemed to have that "I just rolled out of bed and don't really care what my hair looks like" look. And even from a distance his eyes were an amazing crystal blue. Every girl in school practically fainted when Aaron looked at them. Lacey, however, wasn't just another "Aaron Matthews Groupie". It's not that she didn't think that he was outrageously handsome, or that his musclar body wasn't attractive, Lacey saw beyond all of that. She saw the game Aaron played.

It seemed that Lacey was the only girl that saw Aaron play with girls heartstrings. She'd seen one to many girls bawling their eyes out in the bathroom because "Aaron broke up with me!". She rolled her eyes at the thought of it. She was brought out of her thoughts by a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and came face to face with crystal blue eyes. They took her breath away. She'd never seen Aaron's eyes so close before.

"Hey. Do you have an extra pen?" he asked her. Lacey couldn't help but notice how smooth his voice sounded. She realized was just staring and frantically reached in her book bag for a pen.

"Sure, here you go," she said handing it to him. She mentally slapped herself. She wasn't going to act like he was some God just because he may look like one.

"Thanks," he whispered.

Lacey just noded her head and tried to focus on Temple's lecture. She heard a small chuckle behind her. This was going to be a long year.


So I hope that you like it so far. It's the intro so there isn't a whole lot going on so let me know what you guys think ok?! Thanks!

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