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"Happy birthday dear Jimin, happy birthday to you" sang everyone.

"you can make a wish and blow the candles baby" said Jimin's father.

Jimin closed his eyes a few seconds, blew the candles, looked at his parents, then at Taehyung.

"can i tell you a secret?" he whispered to the small boy next to him.

"yes tell me jiminie" answered the other boy, his usual smile on his face.

"i wished for all of us to always be happy together"

Taehyung jumped on his best friend and hugged him tightly, telling him he would always be there.

Their parents smiled at their interactions, they were adorable.

"Mommy can i go to my bedroom with taetae i wanna show him the present you bought me!"

"no no, there are other kids Jimin you can't just leave them here ! go play with them and when they'll be gone you can show taehyung whatever you want."

"oh, okay we will go play with them" answered Jimin, he would always say yes to his parents no matter what, he knew it was always the right thing to do.

They played with the other kids for an hour or two before their parents came to get them back home. Jimin stayed with them and waved goodbye at everyone before he was finally alone with taehyung.

"Taetae let's go !" Jimin shouted, taking his best friend's hand in his and dragging him to his room.

"look ! mommy got me the cars we wanted ! let's share, you take the blue one i take the pink one"

Taehyung took the toy in his hand and smiled, until he realized something and looked sad.

"but it's your birthday gift you can't give it to me"

"of course i can give it to you !" replied Jimin immediately.

"no no it's okay you can keep it" he replied giving Jimin his toy back.

Jimin and Taehyung's fathers were watching them, Jimin's father thought he could help them sort this out.

"you know Taehyung, you are best friends and you love each other very much, you can take it, best friends share everything."

"are you sure ?" answered the small boy, he was embarrassed, he did want that toy, but he thought he couldn't have it.

"take it baby, it's coming from your soulmate, it will make the both of you happy" said Taehyung's father.

"okay.." answered taehyung as he took back the car from Jimin who gladly gave it to him.

"see now we have matching cars !" added a very excited Jimin.

The men were about to leave when Taehyung called his father, "wait, what's a soulmate dad?"

"oh, it's, it's someone who loves you a lot, someone you can count on, someone who you'll always find a way to, no matter where you are, and who you think about all the time" he answered.

"like when you dream about each other on the same nights ! or want to go to the same places without talking to each other, you always find a way to be together." continued Jimin's father.

Jimin looked at his best friend and smiled, soulmate, that was exactly what he and taehyung were.

"TaeTae do you like being my soulmate ?"

"I love being your soulmate jiminie"

The four parents were now at the door, looking at their kids, happy to see they found someone who loved them as much as they did.
Soon Taehyung left, it was time for Jimin to go to sleep.

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