growing up without each other

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At 11, Jimin and Taehyung started middle school.
At that time, they had opened up, they talked to people and were okay with meeting other people.
Few months after they started middle school, they found new people they really liked. Even far from each other they lived the same things, at the same time.

Jimin met 3 boys, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok. They were all older than him, he had met them in the library, they were all calm boys who liked to read during their free time.
He didn't know why, but he knew they were going to be important people for him. With them, he finally felt good, he finally let people come into his life again.
He still had Taehyung on his mind, he didn't really remember how he looked like, how he sounded like, but he knew he still loved him, and he always will.

Taehyung on his side was still scared to let people into his life, scared that that person would leave him so he always put some distance between him and his new friends.
But he met two boys that made him open up. Jungkook and Yoongi. Two boys he met at the basketball club he had taken part in.
First he didn't let them in, but then he fell for them, they were nice, caring, sweet, and he knew he couldn't live the rest of his life like that just because his soulmate had to leave.

They both had regular kids lives, they went to school, took part in clubs, hung out with their friends, were lucky enough to have supportive parents.

They were happy, they just had this weird feeling from time to time, where they would think about each other and imagine their lives if they were still together. They would cry sometimes, feeling like they were missing something, sometimes not even understanding why. Not thinking that their soulmate was crying too, they had lost faith in this soulmate thing. They hurt too much to believe in that.

Their parents didn't understand, the boys were little children when they got separated, they shouldn't even remember it, and yet, sometimes, they would remember some things and be nostalgic.


"Jimin, we've been friends for many years now, tell us about your relationships you never tell us anything" said Seokjin.

The 4 boys were chilling in Hoseok's room, it was almost 2am so it was time to confess all their secrets. Jimin was lying next to Hoseok and the two other boys were lying on the bed they had put on the ground.

Since Jimin turned 15 his parents let him do sleepovers pretty often and he was happy about it.

"it's because i don't have any relationships, i would've told you otherwise" he answered.

"you never loved anyone?" replied Namjoon.
"no i-" Jimin stopped. Taehyung, taetae, his soulmate, he loved him, maybe not romantically, they were just kids, but the only person he really loved in his whole life, except his parents of course, was him.
"umh Jimin ?" called Namjoon as he saw his friend pause in the middle of his sentence.
"oh umh, it's just, i've only truly loved 3 people in my life, my parents and" he smiled at himself, just thinking about a boy he hadn't seen in 7 years made him smile, why was he still attached to him? he didn't know himself, but he continued "his name was Taehyung, i used to call him taetae, we were just kids, but i really loved him, and i still do, he was my soulmate my parents said. I still think about him."
"were you in love with him?" asked Hoseok.
"I don't know, can kids fall in love ? i just know i really love him, since i moved i didn't really wanna talk to people, and as you can see except you guys, i don't really talk to anyone, it was a bit hard for me to get attached to other people because i remember telling him i will never replace him. and even though it was just a kid's promise, I felt, well, still feel like i could never replace him." He felt tears prickle his eyes and quickly wiped them away.
"oh, okay, i see, i'm happy you let us in Jimin, it must've been hard" replied Seokjin.
"it was, but you're all good people, i'm happy i met you" answered Jimin.
He felt Hoseok jump on him and hug him tightly.
"i'm happy i met you too" said the boy who was not letting him breath.

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