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Jimin woke up first, he was lying on his back, Taehyung had his head on his torso and was holding him tightly. He smiled at himself and put his hand in the other boys hair, massaging lightly his head. Slowly, he realized they both weren't wearing their t-shirts. And that's when he realized that the "dream" he had the night before, wasn't a dream.
He smiled again and went back to sleep, he had probably slept less than five hours he deserved  to sleep a bit more.

But when he woke up for the second time it was because two people were shouting in the room.
Taehyung was still lying on top of him and woke up at the same time, the two boys got scared by the sudden noise.
Their eyes were still half closed but they could recognize Jungkook and Yoongi laughing at them and asking them questions.
When they realized it was just their friends and that they were safe, they sighed in relief, closed their eyes and lied back down, trying to wake their whole body up.
But of course they still couldn't wake up at their own pace because Jungkook jumped on the both of them, telling them loudly that it's 1pm already.

The boys looked at each other and laughed at the whole situation, them being half-naked cuddling with jungkook on top of them while Yoongi was watching them an amused look on his face.

Jimin got up first and went to shower while Taehyung got up to put his shirt back on under his friend's judgy looks.

"what ?" said Taehyung.

"oh nothing, we just found you sleeping with Jimin without your clothes on and you're acting like it's a normal thing" replied yoongi sitting next to him.

"okay before i explain, what are you doing here you were supposed to come back tomorrow" asked Taehyung.

"When we saw you sad before leaving we decided to surprise you, but you obviously didn't need us" answered Jungkook, "anyways what the fuck happened here" he continued.

"Okay i'm gonna be quick while Jimin is still in the shower. When you took your train, i went straight to his house because we had to go to the dance studio and i thought it would be nice walking with him, so i went and then when i came back home, i realized i didn't have my keys so i started looking for the guardian but he was nowhere to be found and then-"

"Taehyung talk to us about jimin we don't care if you lost your keys he's gonna be out the shower soon" interrupted Yoongi.
"Yeah sorry okay, so i lost my keys and i didn't have anywhere to go so i went to Jimin's and asked him if i could stay there until you came back because i thought i had forgotten my keys at yours"

"Taehyung BE QUICK" urged Jungkook.

"yes yes sorry, anyways i stayed at his place and yesterday he told me he was the one who had my keys, he wanted to give them back to me but when i asked if i could stay at his place he thought it was a good excuse for us to spend time together" he continued.

"Taehyung the water just stopped running tell us what happened last night" said Yoongi.

"last night we watched movies until 5am,and then we cuddled, and i don't know why i kissed him, and then we kept kissing and then our shirts were off but nothing more happened"

"oh wow, i thought y'all were best friends ?" said jungkook.

"well, i don't know i haven't thought about it yet, it just kinda happened" replied the boy who felt like he was being interrogated.

Jimin finally got out of the shower and taehyung escaped and went to the bathroom too.
He talked for a bit with the two boys until the other got ready and then they all went to have lunch together.

While walking back to Taehyung's place, Jimin was behind the three boys, he felt     a bit uncomfortable even though they were his friends too, because thinking that they found him in the same bed as taehyung made him feel some type of way.

Taehyung realized that and slowed down to get closer to him.

"jiminie, you okay?" asked the taller man.

"yeah i'm good" he replied with a small voice.

"hey, minie, what is it?" continued taehyung while holding jimin's arm to make them stop.
They faced each other and Taehyung waited for the blond boy to speak.

"it's just that i don't know what Jungkook and Yoongi think after seeing us like that this morning, and also what does it mean for us ? I'm just a bit ashamed and lost" he said truthfully looking down.

As usual, Taehyung made him look up by holding up his chin, and started talking.

"About the boys, don't worry they don't care really so please don't mind them, and about us, i don't know either, but it's fine we're gonna figure it out together, a long as we stay together everything's gonna be alright"
"yeah okay, okay, you're right, as long as we're together everything is fine"


After getting back to Taehyung's place, Yoongi and Jungkook went to their room and the two other boys were left alone.

"So what should we do now?" asked Taehyung.

"Can we just watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the day ? and tonight i'll order us something to eat" answered Jimin.

"oh jiminie's getting bold and asking for cuddles" replied the black haired men with a giggle.

"i am getting bold, is that a problem taetae ?" replied Jimin getting closer to him with a smirk.

He ended up a few inches away from him, their faces almost touching and this time they knew what kind of tension filled the room.

Taehyung put his hands around Jimin and threw him on the bed behind them.

"let's cuddle" he said while putting on a movie as a background.

Jimin was lying on the bed, giggling, a sound that melted tae's heart and made him feel so many things for the older boy.
He soon joined him and brought his smaller frame on top of him.

None of them dared to kiss the other, but they spent an hour hugging each other close while commenting on the movie with whispers, making the whole situation even more intimate.

At some point, Jimin sat up.

"what is it ? why did you get up?"

"Taehyung i don't know what our relationship is but i really wanna kiss you, is it okay if i do that ?" asked the blond boy.

But he didn't answer, instead, he sat up too and brought Jimin on his lap, rested his hands on his hips and looked him in the eyes.

"please do" he finally said.

Jimin leaned in and kissed him. Their hands kept wandering on their bodies while their tongues met in harmony.

"I've been wanting to taste your plump lips for so long, and i'm not disappointed" said Taehyung between kisses.

"of course you're not" replied Jimin cockily.

"Stop being such a brat" replied Taehyung while kissing his jaw and getting down to his neck.

Jimin moaned lightly which drew a chuckle from Taehyung.

"It's the first time i do something like this, but it looks like i'm doing it well" he said.

"wait, am i the first person you kiss ?" asked Jimin.

"yeah" he simply replied.

"you're my first kiss too, this is so cute i'm so happy" said Jimin with a huge smile on his face, his smile lighting up the whole room, he looked beautiful.

Taehyung couldn't resist and he placed his hands on Jimin's face to kiss him lovingly.

The rest of the day and the night after consisted of them laughing and kissing each other in their own small bubble. They were happy.

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