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"I really don't wanna go to the dance class i feel weird" said Jimin to Hoseok.

"Come on it's the second class you can't miss it, just come and if you feel like you can't stay go back home, okay ?"

"okay fine let's go"

Jimin walked to the dance studio with Hoseok, but the more he approached the building, the more stress he felt. He didn't know what was happening, but he was almost scared, for no particular reason.

Once they arrived they changed into their sport clothes and started to mess around waiting for the class to start. Jimin was trying to ignore the feeling that was making him want to throw up and kept talking and laughing with Hoseok.

Soon the teacher came into the class.

"Hello kids, so we're not starting now your new classmates are signing some papers so i'll let you express yourselves freely on some music"

He had put on a song that everyone seemed to like, Jimin and Hoseok did too, so they started to improvise a little routine by mixing the choreos they both already knew.

Until a blue haired man and a black haired man came into the room.

When jimin saw them he turned around to face them. He looked at him. Taehyung. He was looking at him too.

Jimin and Taehyung both didn't know how to react. they stayed in perfect silence just looking at each other.

After a minute or two Jimin decided to step closer, as slowly and carefully as possible like he was scared he would make the other run away.

He walked until he was at arm length. Taehyung's eyes were filled with unshed tears while Jimin was silently crying already. Everybody was looking at them and yet they felt like they were the only people there. 

Jimin dared to put his hand on the other man's face, to make sure he was really there and that he wasn't dreaming.

"Jimin" called the taller man.

"Taehyung" replied the smaller man.

Taehyung hugged his smaller frame. He didn't know if it was the right thing to do, but he knew he needed it.

They stayed in each other's arms for a minute before the teacher told them to get out of the room to get some privacy. He didn't know what was happening but he knew it was important. He felt it.

In their eyes you could see everything, the love, the hate, the sadness, the happiness, the unsaid words.

The teacher led them to a smaller room, the soft yellow lights making the atmosphere calm and nice made them relax.

They awkwardly sat down facing each other and waited for the other to speak.

Jimin gathered his thoughts, he had to talk to him about everything he thought in case he didn't want to talk to him again, he had to, he couldn't afford to lose him again because he didn't say how he felt, so he started.

"I missed you" he said at first. But didn't get any answer. "I love you, I never stopped, I never replaced you, and and-"

"I was hurt for so long you know" interrupted Taehyung.

"me too taetae" replied the pink haired man while putting his hand on taehyung's hands.

"I kept crying for months and i didn't wanna get any friends because i was scared they would leave me. Like you did"

"I-I'm sorry, it wasn't me, I felt the same, I dreamed about you every night for a year, and i even still dream about you, I still love you taetae you're my soulmate"

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