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Few days after their first real one day trip as a group, Jungkook and Yoongi were going back home to see their parents.

Taehyung wasn't because his parents weren't home as they went overseas for work.

"Did you take your chargers ? and wallets with your ids ? and your keys in case your parents aren't home when you get back ? an-"

"Taehyung, we didn't forget anything, why are you worrying" replied Yoongi.

"i don't know, can't i care about my friends ?"

"you can, but you're being a little too invested, what is it ?" asked jungkook.

Taehyung sat on Yoongi's bed and sighed.

"I'll be here without you, feels weird. also it stresses me because i'm gonna see Jimin and his friends on my own" said the blue haired man.

"well, they're your friends too aren't they ? it's gonna be okay"

"yeah they're my friends but i've never hung out with them without you that's all"

"ohhhh you're gonna miss us you're so cute" replied Jungkook while jumping on his friend and hugging him close.

"you'll be okay" added Yoongi before they realized they were late.

Taehyung grabbed his phone and rushed out the room while the boys carried their suitcases out and closed yoongi's dorm door.

They ran until they arrived at the train station and hugged each other quickly and messily before the two boys took the train, telling Taehyung he'll be fine.

Taehyung had plans for the rest of the day, which were going to the dance studio with Jimin.

He wasn't far from Jimin's place so he decided to walk there with him.

He soon arrived in front of Jimin's place and knocked on the door.

A minute later, a woman opened the door, she's pretty thought Taehyung.

"Oh my God, hello Taehyung, look at you all grown up now, do you remember me ?"

"of course i do ! how are you ms Park ?"

"very good very good ! you should come eat dinner with us someday it's been a long time" replied Jimin's mother.

"sure ! whenever you want ms Park."

"Jimin is in his room you can go" she said letting Taehyung in.

Taehyung hesitantly went up stairs and to Jimin's room, he didn't even know if Jimin would like to see him in his house before going to the dance studio together.

He knocked on the other man's door and couldn't hear any answer, he stood there in silence and realized that the water was running, Jimin was taking a shower, he was about to get back downstairs when Ms Park arrived.

"oh he's showering" she said before opening the bedroom door, "you can wait for him inside i'm sure he doesn't mind"

"oh okay" replied Taehyung as he went into the room and sat on Jimin's desk chair. He decided to face the direction where he wouldn't see Jimin when he'd get out in case he came out naked.

5 minutes later Taehyung heard the water stop and some shuffling, seconds later the door opened and Jimin gasped.

"ah you scared me" said Jimin.

"sorry, i didn't want to startle you, i wasn't far and i thought we could walk together to the studio, and when i got here your mom told me to wait for you in your room." rambled taehyung, still looking away.

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