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The next day, after they ate breakfast and cleaned up, Jimin told Taehyung he had to give him something.

"so, umh, i don't know how you're gonna react, i was planning on continuing to lie but i shouldn't, so, umh" started Jimin.

"what do you mean lying ? what is it ?" asked Taehyung, concerned.

"well, you didn't leave your keys at Yoongi's, you, well, you left them here.."

"what ?" replied taehyung surprised.

"well, i wanted to give them back to you, but then you asked me if you could stay for a few days, and i just thought it would be great to spend time with you.." Jimin was feeling ashamed again, he felt bad for lying and tricking his own best friend.

"but why didn't you just ask me to spend time with you?" answered taehyung, confused.

"i was scared you'd say no, and you didn't look like you were uncomfortable staying here, because if you were i swear i would have given them back ! i just, i don't know, i'm sorry, here are you keys" Jimin handed him the keys and looked down, avoiding his friend's eyes.

"oh my god Jimin, you could've just asked me ! as you said i'm comfortable here i wouldn't mind staying with you ! especially as i would have stayed because i wanted to. you shouldn't have lied Jimin"

"I'm really really sorry taetae, please don't be mad at me it was just a way my dumbass self found to spend time with you i'm so sorry" replied Jimin still looking down.

Taehyung made Jimin look at him in the eyes by holding his chin up.

"it's okay minie you told me the truth and apologized, now just promise me you're never gonna lie to me again"

"i promise" replied Jimin quickly.

"then it's all good, i forgive you, as long as you keep your promise"

"i will" Jimin marked a pause, "so umh, are you, gonna go back home?" he asked.

Taehyung giggled, "yeah, i'm gonna get some clothes then come back to stay for the 2 days we still have if you want to"

Jimin was surprised, he didn't think taehyung would like to spend more time with him.

"you, you don't wanna leave?"

"of course not ! it's really nice to spend time with you, and you were just being a bit dumb so it's fine" answered the taller man.

"oh wait" he continued, "let's sleep at my place ! we've spent enough time here, let's go to mine"

"you.. want me to sleep at your place ?" asked jimin.

"yeah, i know your house by heart now, but you don't know what my place looks like, it's just a room but still"

"well, okay, sure, let's do it" replied Jimin hesitantly.

Jimin called his parents and made sure they knew where he was before heading to taehyung's with a huge bag of clothes. He looked like he was going on a month long trip when really he was gonna spend 2 nights at his friend's.

When they got to Taehyung's place it was the middle of the day, they still had to eat lunch and find something to do.

Jimin offered to go buy some ramen and meat they could cook for lunch and went to the closest market.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was cleaning his small place as he hadn't been there for a few days.

When Jimin came back, everything was clean and well organized, everything looked like it was at its own designated space, some art was hung up the walls and some frames were on the shelves. It was a very personal and cosy place, Jimin liked it.

They spent an hour cooking together, messing around, laughing and jamming to some music.

"I really like spending time with you" said Taehyung out of nowhere.

Jimin was startled by his comment but continued to place the dishes on the table, "why are you saying this now we're just setting up the table" he finally answered.

"I don't know, it's just that i'm always happy and comfortable when i'm with you so i wanted you to know"

Jimin smiled and just went to hug his friend.

He put his small hands around the taller man's neck and brought him close.

It took Taehyung a few seconds before processing and hugging back the blond boy by placing his hand around his waist.

They stayed in that position for a bit, before Jimin whispered that he loved spending time with him too.

After that cute moment, both were blushing but none of them commented on it, they just had their meal in silence, with soft music in the background.


"Jimin do you wanna play video games?" suggested Taehyung now that they had eaten and cleaned up everything.

"yeah sure, but i'm really bad at all games except mario kart so i hope you have it"

Taehyung giggled and pulled out the game from his closet.

"Well, let's see if you're good" he replied.

They sat next to each other and started the game. After spending ages choosing their characters they started playing.

But of course playing video games together wasn't gonna be easy. Taehyung was behind Jimin and didn't want to lose so he decided to annoy, a tiny bit, his opponent.

"Jimin do you really love me ?" asked taehyung with a smirk, knowing it will disturb him.

Jimin looked away from the screen and looked at his friend, "what ? of course, why are you asking me this"

"Just so i could win the game dummy" replied taehyung, while his character passed the finishing line.

"what ? oh my god taehyung you're the worst !" said the smaller man throwing himself on the other.

Taehyung fell on his back laughing while Jimin was fake punching him telling how a horrible friend he is.

When Jimin stopped, he was on top of Taehyung, their faces only a few inches apart, and that's when his eyes travelled on his face and landed on his lips, for a second he thought he would kiss him.

But he quickly got back to his senses and got back up to play another game.

They spent the rest of the day playing and annoying each other, with some sort of tension both of them didn't quite understand.

At night, they ordered some pizza and decided to watch the avengers movies until they fell asleep.

They watched the first movie while eating, the second one while lying next to each other, and when they started the third one, it was already the middle of night.

After a few minutes into the movie, Jimin decided, without really thinking about it because he was tired, to cuddle Taehyung. So he got closer to him, put his head on his torso and wrapped his arm around him.

The black haired boy didn't react for a minute, and even stopped breathing, because this was exactly what he had been hoping for, he just wanted to cuddle Jimin but he didn't know if he could.

He finally put his arm around the blond boy and sighed, content.

They spent the rest of the movie in that position, that position they wished they could've been in sooner.

When the movie was over, Taehyung looked down to look at Jimin and saw that he was almost asleep, he was pouting and Taehyung really, really wanted to kiss him.

When Jimin looked up it's like he read his thoughts and got closer, letting Taehyung decide whether or not he wanted to do it.

Taehyung hesitated for a long moment before finally leaning in and closing the gap between them.

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