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"T-TAEHYUNG TAEHYUNG HE-HE TEXTED ME" shouted Jimin, startling the 3 boys who were each reading their books.

"he what ?" replied Seokjin.

"I told you" answered Hoseok.

"I knew this would happen too" added Namjoon.

"what did he say" continued Seokjin.

"He said, Hi Jimin, I thought a lot and you're right, we should try, i don't know if it'll become like the old days but i know we shouldn't miss this chance, if you wanna see me just tell me when you're free, guys, he wants to see me, i'm getting back my soulmates" said Jimin, a smile on his lips, tears starting to fill his eyes.

"i'm happy for you minie" said Hoseok.

"what should i answer ?" asked the younger man.

"don't think too much and just tell him when you can meet up" replied Namjoon.


"Taehyung, Jimin answered" said Yoongi.

"c-can you read it first and tell me if it's positive or not"

"i don't even need to read it to tell you it is but whatever." Yoongi read the text and continued "it's positive, here take it" he gave the blue haired man his phone and waited for his reaction.

Thank you for giving us a chance, i'm sure we can become best friends again, i'm free on weekends and everyday after 6pm. read Taehyung. He didn't know why he was stressed, he knew Jimin wanted to see him but he was still scared, maybe not of the answer but more of what it meant.

These texts meant they would see each other, talk to each other and either become the soulmates they once were, or break the perfect image they had built of each other.


"i'm scared." said Taehyung.

"I know you've been saying that since this morning, it's okay man, you're just going to drink coffee together, if you ever feel uncomfortable call me and i'll be there  a few minutes later." replied Jungkook.


"i'm stressed" said Jimin for the thousandth time that day.

"you've been saying that even before you asked him to go grab a coffee, i think i get it now." replied Hoseok.

"no you don't get it, i'm seeing taetae again"

"oh my god Jimin im gonna kill you before you get to see your lover boy."

"you're always so mean to me"

"shut up and go to your coffee date i have to meet up with yoongi"

"oh, going on a date?" replied Jimin with a smirk.

"yep, bye now"

Hoseok left as soon as he told him he was going on a date knowing Jimin would ask him too many questions.

Jimin was on his way to the coffee shop, he was stressed and excited, but more stressed, he was kinda scared it wouldn't go well, but he still hoped for the best.

Taehyung was on his way too, feeling the same thing as Jimin, for once, their feelings were the same.

Jimin arrived first and waited for the other in front of the coffee shop. A minute later he arrived and they awkwardly walked into the coffee shop.

"let me guess what you take" started Jimin, excitement expressed by a cute smile.

"go on" replied Taehyung with a chuckle.

"Umh, you either don't drink coffee at all and take a hot chocolate, or you take something with milk and vanilla or chocolate."

"you guessed right ! i don't like coffee" he answered with his adorable smile.

"and i guess you drink coffee but with something sweet in it right ?"

"exactly! a mocha with white chocolate and milk"

It was their turn to order so they did and then went to sit to a table in the back of the shop, to have some privacy.

"So, how was life without me, tell me everything" said Taehyung. He was genuinely interested and wanted to know everything he missed in his soulmate's life. This time he was way more open, before sending that text, telling Jimin he was ready to try again, Jungkook convinced him to really try, not be cold, so there wouldn't be any reasons why it wouldn't work out. And it was the best thing to do, why would he make things more complicated than it already was, knowing that he also wanted  to talk to him.

"mmmh what can i start with, so.."

And they kept talking about themselves, asking each other about what they've been through, and they found out they lived pretty much the same things at the same time, making them realize they were really soulmates.

"should we maybe see each other again?" asked Jimin.

"I'd love to." replied Taehyung.

"I'll find something nice to do and i'll text you!" answered Jimin with a big smile.

"sure ! i'll see you soon then jiminie"

jiminie no one called him that, jimin's heart started beating fast at that name, he got his soulmate back, he was truly happy.

"see you taetae" he answered before they parted ways.


"he's so interesting and nice, and caring, and handsome and-"

"Jimin bro you okay?" asked Namjoon.

They were chilling in Jimin's room, supposed to do some work but Jimin was more focused on Taehyung than on physics.

"I'm okay i just ? love him so much and he's the same but better and-"

"you in love?"

"what ? no. he's-hes just my soulmate."

"you sure? cause it looks like it's more to me, no one talks about they platonic soulmate every day for hours."

"umh, really? i don't know actually it's just that with him i feel something more, my heart beats faster when i see him, and he's just so amazing.."

"don't think too much though, just let things happen and you'll see with time okay ?" answered Namjoon.

"yeah don't worry i'm not planning on thinking about the future, i'll just see how things go, it's just, i'm so happy i found him again, he was the thing i was missing"

"i'm happy you're happier minie"


"He's so clever ! and so so cute, and i like his personality, it feels like he's the same but at the same time he's changed a lot, i don't know i just like how he is"

"see ! i told you it was better to meet up with him" replied Jungkook.

"that's true, thank you kookie"

"your welcome taetae" answered Jungkook making fun of him. 

"Hey, don't make fun of my surname, and it doesn't sound nice when you say it"

"only sounds nice in Jimin's mouth huh"

"exactly." replied Taehyung.

"Anyways stop bickering, how do you feel about this? like sincerely ?" asked Yoongi.

"i'm happy, it's a good thing, i'll finally have closure, we either stay in each other's lives or we don't but either way, i would've gotten closure."

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