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Few days passed as they kept talking all day long by text, sending each other memes, calling each other at night.

Holidays were starting a week later which gave them the opportunity to see each other more often. And the first thing they wanted to do was go to an amusement park with their friends.

The group of seven man had grown to really like each other, especially Hoseok and Yoongi, but they weren't ready to talk about that yet.

"what should i wear ?" asked Jimin.

"why do you always ask ? you never listen to us" replied Namjoon.

"well, you're not wrong" replied Jimin as he started to choose an outfit.

He was wearing a red shirt, black pants and black shoes.

He also did his make up, he loved putting a bit of eye shadow that matched perfectly his eye color.

Once his hair and makeup were done, it was time to go.

The group decided to meet at a bus station in the center of Seoul so they could go there together.

Once they were on the bus, the boys were divided into small groups as there were only duo seats.

Hoseok sat next to Yoongi, obviously, Namjoon and Seokjin had adopted Jungkook so he sat on top of the two boys, and of course Taehyung and Jimin sat next to each other.

As the amusement park was pretty far and it was early in the morning Hoseok and Yoongi quickly fell asleep, Namjoon and Seokjin also wanted to sleep but Jungkook was like an excited kid who didn't let his parents sleep as he kept rambling on how he was so happy that everybody came and how much he loved amusement parks.

Jimin on his side had his head on Taehyung's shoulder while the younger had his hand on the pink haired man's thigh.

They were talking softly, almost whispering, keeping their words only for themselves.

Jimin was slowly falling asleep which made him pout so cutely it made the other boy coo at him.

When they arrived, Jungkook was the first one to jump around excitedly before Hoseok and Jimin joined him. They were just happy kids after all.

Jimin and Jungkook were fearless, they wanted to do everything, begged for the others to join them, but they were always scared and didn't.

But that didn't stop them from going to all the rides they wanted and enjoy them together.

Jungkook, Seokjin and Namjoon, read Jungkook and his new parents , wanted to go to the haunted house, to which Hoseok and Yoongi immediately said no. Jimin was also a bit scared.

But the moment Taehyung took his hand in his, as cliche as it is, he felt at ease and followed them.

Jungkook was holding both Namjoon and Seokjin's hands and lead them to that big scary house, his full bunny smile on display.

During the tour, Jungkook was always the one leading, getting scared then laughing afterwards. Namjoon and Seokjin looked like they were trying to impress each other by not being scared, which was a very funny sight for everyone except them. 

The pink and blue haired men were also very scared. Taehyung had reassured Jimin before going inside but the moment they set a foot into the first room the taller man became the one that needed reassurance.

They were holding each other tight, scared of everything, sometimes just closing their eyes and staying still until Jungkook grabbed them and made them move to the next room.

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