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5am, Taehyung wasn't sleeping, he kept replaying his conversation with jimin in his head, and it looked like Jimin was angry at him.
When he was too tired to think, his body mechanically went to Jimin's room.
He opened the door as silently as possible and sat on the edge of the bed.
Jimin turned around, he didn't get to sleep much either, his mind overthinking so much it woke him up.

"I couldn't sleep knowing you weren't feeling okay" said Taehyung, whispering.

"i couldn't either, i'm sorry for overreacting, i'm okay now, can we just cuddle and sleep?" asked jimin softly caressing taehyung knuckles.

"yeah" he replied, lying down as the other hugged him close.

"i love you and i just don't wanna lose you" whispered Jimin, his hot shaky breath falling in taehyung torso, his hands wrapped around his waist, and a single tear falling on his cheek.

Taehyung didn't understand why Jimin acted like this, but he knew he needed reassurance, so he kissed his temple, brought him impossibly closer, kept caressing his back and finally answered.

"I love you too minie, and i promise i'll always be there for you as long as you let me"

With Taehyung's words echoing in his head and his body giving him the physical reassurance he needed, Jimin finally fell asleep.

When they woke up, it was already noon, they heard the boys in the kitchen, cooking. Their giggles and the smell of food made the two boys smile.

"good morning baby" said Taehyung, his raspy, deep, morning voice making jimin feel things, mainly arousal, even though the night before he was questioning his whole relationship, and then he smiled, his cute boxy smile making the blond boy feel other things. love and fondness. Which made him completely forget about the night before as he leaned in to peck his lips.

"morning baby, let's shower and join the others"

The boys had their meal together, Jimin explaining that he was just feeling tired and a bit stressed.
When everyone went back home, Taehyung stayed, he needed to explain to Jimin why he never said they were boyfriends out loud.
But everytime he tried to talk to him Jimin said that it was okay, that he didn't need a label as long as their relationship stayed the same, as long as they loved and supported each other.

And it stayed like that for months. Everytime Taehyung wanted to talk about their status, Jimin would talk about something else, would kiss him to make him stop taking, find an excuse to leave, but never let Taehyung speak.


One day, going back home from school, Taehyung really wanted to talk to Jimin, tell him what he had been wanting to say for months and ask why he reacted like that.

"Jimin can we take a walk by the river i need to tell you something" asked Taehyung.

"Sure, let's go" he replied holding his bigger hand in his, walking happily a large smile on his face.

Taehyung smiled at him, looking at him as if he was his everything, which he actually was.

They ended up sitting on a bench, watching the blue water reflecting the cloudless sky.

"what did you wanna talk about ?" asked jimin sitting cross legged and turning his whole body toward his soulmate.

"I-I" Taehyung didn't know how to start, Jimin looked happy and he didn't want to bother him.
But he had to.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened few months ago"

Jimin's smile slowly faded away and a serious expression took place on his face.

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