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2 days later, Jimin and Taehyung planned to meet up again. Jimin was waiting for Taehyung inside, he arrived a few minutes after him and sat down in front of the hot chocolate the older had ordered.

"hi jiminie, thank you! next time i'll treat you"

"don't worry it's all good ! how are you taetae ?"

"pretty good, how about you?"

"i'm good too! so how was your day?" asked Jimin.

"Really nice, i spent the day playing video games with Jungkook, really cool, and you? how was your day?" replied Taehyung.

"oh you play video games ?"

"yeah, yeah, don't you?"

"no i, i think it's useless" answered Jimin, not knowing that this wasn't the only difference they had.

"oh, well, maybe it is, everyone has their own point of view on the matter, anyways, how was your day?"

"umh, it was nice too, i spent the day watching documentaries about mythology with Namjoon it was very interesting."

"oh wow we have very different ways of spending time."

"yeah" answered Jimin with an anxious laugh. How is it supposed to work if the only thing we both like is dance he asked himself.

The rest of their date was awkward, the euphoria of meeting again someone you once loved was gone and left them facing the reality.

They were strangers who didn't have much common interests, and not only did they have different hobbies but they thought the other one's hobbies were useless and boring.


"i don't understand the first time we saw each other it was perfect, we got along really well and i thought we had a lot of common points, but today i realized we're really opposites. The only thing we both like is music and dance." said Taehyung, sadness could be heard in his voice, he was disappointed, he didn't imagine that in the second time they see each other they would be this different.

"maybe you got too ahead of yourself, you kept talking about him as your soulmates but maybe you're not anymore. Don't be disappointed Tae, people change and maybe you're not compatible anymore." replied Yoongi.

"I know, I know, i knew it even before seeing him but i don't know i just hoped we were still the same i guess."


"but isn't there a saying that tells opposites attract? maybe we're different but it'll still work" said Jimin.

"Jimin you're being too hopeful, if you don't become friends with him your heart's gonna break please see things how they are before it hurts you even more" answered Namjoon.

"no no it's gonna be okay, he's my soulmate okay" he answered, he said that to reassure himself, he didn't want to lose him, not again.

"Jimin, what will happen if it doesn't work out?" asked the older man.

"i- i don't know, it has to work out, i-i put too much hope and energy in this."

"exactly what i'm telling you, put some distance in case it doesn't work out you're gonna be hurt if you don't"

"i dont- i don't want to, i thought i found my best friend and now it's-it's just-"

Namjoon hugged him, he usually didn't like physical contacts, but when he saw his best friend, almost cry in front of him, he couldn't let him cry alone, he had to give him a shoulder to rely on.


They both decided to try again, "opposites attract", kept saying Jimin. This time they went to the park, they met up at 6pm and sat down on a bench in front of the river.

And again, they didn't have much to talk about, Jimin didn't care about video games and painting, and Taehyung didn't care about the last book published by some author he had forgotten the name of.

They wanted to be friends, but maybe it wasn't something possible, maybe some people aren't meant to be in your life for a long time.

But maybe they both didn't make enough efforts, maybe they didn't even try to be interested in what the other liked. Maybe if they had made some efforts and actually listened when the other was talking about something, Taehyung wouldn't have had to ask Yoongi to call so he could leave. At 7pm. They stayed with each other only for an hour and when they went back home they complained. complained that the other wasn't interested, which was true, but they were both not interested.


"I want him in my life, like him the person that he is, and he's interesting, it's just that he's not interesting to me , this is not going to work. we'll just, stop talking to each other, go back to the usual." said Taehyung to Yoongi.


"we're not made for each other, this is not going to work, i'll just forget about him." said Jimin to his mother.

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