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Jimin was anxiously sitting on his couch waiting for the younger to arrive. When he heard timid knocks he got up, walked as slowly as possible and was about to open the door when he stopped and thought about how he was supposed to greet him. Should he hug him ? a regular hand shake ? just say hello without touching him ? When he realized he couldn't let Taehyung stay more outside he opened the door and let him get in by getting behind the door. No contact, that's the way he chose to greet him, he was scared the other wouldn't want to so it was better not to invade his private space.

They again sat awkwardly in Jimin's living room, his parents were both working so he had the house to himself.

"So umh, how are you?" asked Jimin, trying to lighten the awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere.

"good good, how about you?" replied Taehyung.

"great ! so when did you come to Seoul?"

"I came here few weeks ago, just before high school started" the blue haired man's voice was cold, no love whatsoever, Jimin felt like he was talking to a complete stranger, which he was, in 8 years they had both changed a lot. They stayed attached to a person who didn't exist anymore. Jimin started to think it wasn't the best idea to talk to him, he started to think it would ruin the image he kept of him, maybe they weren't made for each other anymore.

Taehyung on his side, thought it was the moment to move on, have a conversation with him for closure and not let him back in.

"Jimin, i'm not here to be friends with you again" Jimin's heart hurt at the words, he himself didn't know if it was a good idea but they hadn't even discovered what the other became yet, Taehyung was giving up before even trying.

"what are you here for then?" answered Jimin.

"I'm here because, i don't know, just wanted to talk to you i guess."

They stayed in complete silence for a few minutes, but it wasn't an enjoyable silence, it was a silence that made them both realize they were complete strangers even though they had convinced themselves otherwise.

"you know, i think i kept you in my head and my heart because i'm scared. Scared to get attached to people, so i took you as an excuse for my cowardice, we don't know each other anymore, we should just, keep this beautiful image and excuse that we have of each other." suddenly said Taehyung.

"Yeah, maybe that's what we should do" simply replied Jimin, he was lost and didn't recognize the young man in front of him.

"But, I-I dont know why I feel like we shouldn't part ways, maybe just ? become friends ? or just i don't know, talk to each other and not be complete strangers ?" continued Jimin.

"I don't know, we'll just, see later i guess ?"

"Okay, okay, we could maybe see each other again and rediscover each other ? we changed a lot we could talk about our new interests, our new friends you know" suggested Jimin.

"I don't know Jimin, I don't know if it's a good idea, I'm gonna go, I'll text you if i feel okay with rediscovering my so called soulmate"

"okay, as you like, thank you for coming"

And there they were again with the awkwardness not knowing how tell each other goodbye.  

Once Taehyung left Jimin finally breathed, he hadn't even realized he was holding his breath in.

He was now scared, his mind told him to let go, that Taehyung was just a stranger he had to get to know again, but his heart told him that he was still his soulmate, his taetae, his best friend, that it wasn't just a coincidence, that it meant something.

Taehyung walked back home, thinking, everything told him to leave, erase his number and change his dance schedule. But something in the back of his head made him want to try.

When Taehyung went to sleep that night he kept thinking, even after so many years, they were still talking to each other with sincerity, explaining things and not holding back, saying what was on their minds. Even though he was talking coldly, he was still saying everything he thought, and Jimin did the same. Maybe they should try again.

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