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Few days later, everybody was back in their own homes, they had decided to go to the dance studio to practice together as they haven't done that in a while.

Jimin and Taehyung decided to go there before the others so they could make sure they had a room for the day.
They got there at 1pm, right after eating lunch.

"let's lie down for a bit, i really can't dance right now" said Taehyung lying on the ground and using his jacket as a pillow.

Jimin didn't answer and just lied right next to him, using the other's arm as a support for his own head.

They slowly moved and lied on their sides, Taehyung had his hand around Jimin and everytime he moved, the taller boy brought him closer.
And of course, they ended up falling asleep.

Once again, they woke up because their friends were too loud.

They lied back down to get their whole bodies fully awake when they felt someone lie on top of them, and then another one.
And of course it was Hoseok and Jungkook, they were the only ones who were comfortable enough to jump on each other like that.

"jungkook get up i can't breathe" tried to say Taehyung.
"Hoseok, i can't breathe either" added Jimin.

After a few minutes, they finally got off them and let them sit up while the older boys were watching them fondly. 

"Jimin, can we talk ?" asked namjoon when the others started practicing.


They went outside the room to talk freely.

"so, what's happening between the two of you ? Yoongi told me they found you both sleeping together without your shirts off ?.."

"oh, umh, well, we don't know what's happening either ? we're figuring it out, but yeah, we cuddle, we kiss also ? and go on dates.. but i don't know we haven't really talked about it yet"

"oh, wow, okay, so are you happy minie ?"

"yeah, i think i am, i found my soulmate back, and he treats me really well so yeah, i'm happy"

"i'm glad to hear that, i'm happy for you, but you shouldn't wait too much before asking about your relationship either because if you don't want the same thing it can hurt you"

"don't worry joon, thank you"

They got back to their friends and started practicing with them.

The seven boys nailed the choreo as if they were meant to dance together, most of them weren't even dancers in the beginning, but they still perfectly complemented each other.

At some point they were all tired and Taehyung and Jungkook offered to bring some coffee.

When they came back, Jimin was sitting comfortably between namjoon's legs, Taehyung felt different things at that sight.
First, fondness, he looked tiny and happy in the other man's arms, second, jealousy, he wanted to be the one making jimin smile like that, but namjoon was his best friend, so he just dismissed his feelings and let it go.

After their practice session ended, Jimin wanted to stay a bit more to practice some choreo he was learning. And obviously, Taehyung stayed with him.

Jimin was dancing, beautifully, everything he did was beautiful, but his dancing was particularly mesmerizing. The taller boy was just watching him, a smile on his face.

When Jimin was too tired, he sat down facing his friend.

"i need to talk to you about something taetae"

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