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Jimin liked to wake up early, even during holidays because he had an habit to go on a walk before eating breakfast.

So he got up, showered, got dressed, said goodbye to his parents before they went to work and headed out for his usual little walk.

When he came back, he found Taehyung in the kitchen cooking them breakfast.

The scene looked awfully domestic and it didn't really bother him, actually, he enjoyed the view, which made him chuckle because it was kinda his fault that they were in this situation.

Jimin just kept admiring his friend a bit more with a soft smile on his face when the other turned around.

"oh hi Jimin, how long you've been there ?" Taehyung said a bit startled.

"hi.. no no i just, i just got here" replied Jimin joining the other man and sitting on the counter to face him.

"where were you? if you're okay telling me of course".

"i took a walk next to the river !" answered Jimin.

"oh really ? why didn't you wake me up we could've gone together"

"i didn't know you if i could wake you and besides, if i did i wouldn't get a breakfast made by you so.." replied Jimin with a smile.

"wake me up tomorrow morning i wanna go with you" said Taehyung while flipping some pancakes, "i'll cook you breakfast if you want to, that's the least i can do" he added.

"don't say that i could get used to it" answered Jimin with a smirk.

Once Taehyung was done cooking they sat together and ate in a nice and comfortable atmosphere. When they were done, they cleaned the kitchen together and went to the living room.

After a moment of the both of them just being on their phones Jimin spoke up.

"What do you wanna do today?" he asked.

"I don't know but if you had any plans you can go i can stay on my own i don't wanna bother you" replied taehyung, feeling like a burden to his friend.

"no no taetae you're not bothering me at all !" he replied taking his friend's hand in his, "you're really not annoying me, i'm really happy you're here and i'm happy we can spend time together, now let's find something to do because i don't have anything planned and even if i did i would rather stay with you" he continued with a soft smile.

"I wanted to dye my hair maybe we could go together" suggested a shy taehyung.

"oh my god this is an amazing idea ! I also wanted to dye my hair, what color are you going to do ?" replied Jimin.

"I wanted to dye it black, i miss my natural hair color and i don't need to do touch ups like with this blue"

"okay, let's do it, i know a good place where they use good products" replied the smaller man getting up, "let's get ready"

"i don't have any clothes though.." replied taehyung shyly.

"don't worry i brought you a few outfits from namjoon's.

he's so thoughtful and nice and pretty an-

"taetae? what are you thinking about, let's go" said jimin with a giggle before grabbing his hand and dragging him upstairs.

After getting ready, the two boys went to get their hair dyed, as he said earlier, taehyung got his hair dyed black and jimin chose blond, because according to himself, it makes him soft and taehyung couldn't deny it.


"Taetae my parents are having people over, are you okay with us sleeping in my bed ? if you're not i could look for the inflatable mattress, i know we have one somewhere" asked Jimin.

"No it's fine don't worry we can sleep in the same bed, like how we used to do when we were kids !" replied Taehyung.

They got ready for bed and lied next to each other. They were both lying awkwardly on each edge of the bed and were both scrolling on their phones in a weird silence.

After a few minutes, Jimin decided to lie more comfortably and shifted to the center of the bed, he softly grabbed taehyung's arm to indicate he could come closer, which he did.

They were both comfortable now and Taehyung slowly drifted to sleep, a few inches separating them.

Jimin on his side wasn't asleep yet because his mind kept going places.

He kept thinking about all the things that could happen, maybe he could put his hand on tae's back, and slowly get close to him, look him in the eyes and see him also get closer to him. Maybe they could kiss softly before things get more heated. Maybe he could sit on his lap and kiss him tenderly while they both let their hands wander on each other's bodies.  Maybe he could take off their shirts and kiss taehyung's neck and torso.

And these were the thoughts he had while falling asleep, feeling horny and tight in his briefs.

When he woke up, Taehyung was still asleep. His thoughts from the night before resurfaced and he felt ashamed, ashamed because it was supposed to be a friend, ashamed because he shouldn't think those things about him.

He convinced himself it wasn't his fault and that it was just his teen hormones that were making him think things like that.

He got up to shower and when he came back Taehyung was on his phone, he had a cute puffy face, was pouting and his hair was messy, he looked absolutely adorable and Jimin felt shame again. how could i think things like that about him when he's this cute.

Taehyung raised his head and smiled cutely at Jimin, who smiled back shyly and went out of the room telling him he could shower and meet him downstairs.

That day, Jimin didn't dare to meet Taehyung's eyes, and the boy didn't understand why, so he decided to ask.

"minie ?" called taehyung.

"yeah?" replied jimin while cutting vegetables for dinner.

"did i do something ? you've been weird today.." asked the black haired boy.

"what? no ! you didn't do anything ! i'm sorry if i made it seem like you did"

"then what is it? if you don't mind telling me of course i don't wanna be annoying"

"it's nothing really don't worry" how can i tell him i had a wet dream about him last night and that it's my fault because i was having dirty thoughts about him before going to sleep, thought Jimin.

Jimin was still cooking when Taehyung hugged him from behind.

"Thank you for cooking tonight"

It was just a very short hug, but Jimin's mind went crazy. Why does a small hug like this make me feel so much euphoria, everytime he touches me or even looks at me i feel so much things and i don't know what i'm feeling. It wasn't a good a good idea to make him stay here with me.

The blond boy quickly got back to his senses and told him it was nothing.

When they went to sleep, each in his own bed, they kept thinking.

Jimin was thinking about Taehyung's hands on his body, how their physical interactions were always full of tenderness, how he loved being close to him, it didn't need to be sexual, he just liked contact, with him.

At the same time, Taehyung was thinking about Jimin's actions towards him, how he would always make sure he ate, was feeling comfortable and happy, he loved the way he made him feel.

They were both questioning their feelings towards each other, not sure about their feelings, whether it was friendship or love, the only thing they knew was that they cared about each other.

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