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One day, Taehyung's favorite Mangaka was coming to Seoul to sign some of his new books, and of course, he couldn't miss it. As the fanboy that he is, he woke up early and went in front of the library where the event was happening, he was alone as his two best friends didn't care at all, and it was okay, he liked spending time alone anyway.

He was sitting on the ground and was reading the book in his hands when he felt the urge to look up, weird he thought, but he still did. And he saw Jimin, his fluffy pink hair bouncing in rhythm as he walked. But then Taehyung looked down and saw he was holding the exact same book he was reading. When Jimin stopped in front of the library and noticed him, his eyes widened and surprise could be seen on his face.

He looked confused for a second before going to Taehyung.

"Hi ! i'm surprised to see you here"

"i'm even more surprised" replied the blue haired man with a chuckle.

"Can I sit next to you ?" asked the smaller man.


He sat down next to him and started to talk about the book, they spent the hour left before the doors opened talking to each other, in a very enjoyable mood, smiles never leaving their faces.

"it's really nice that you like it too, i finally have someone to talk to about it" admitted Jimin.

"it is really nice ! yoongi and jungkook both don't even want to try reading"

"my friends too! they're missing out"

They spent the whole morning together, after getting their books signed they stayed with each other, went to have lunch together, and loved it, they thought they were really different but actually, they weren't, they both had different interests, but that was nice, they could teach each other about them, they just had to be truly interested.


"it's so weird but i feel like taehyung and i can actually be friends?" said Jimin.

"I don't even understand anymore, once you're soulmates, then you hate each other, then you just talk in dance class and now you're friends ?" answered Namjoon.

"well, yeah ? i don't know ? he's actually really interesting, maybe i didn't put enough efforts the first time"

"that's pretty obvious you stopped talking to each other the second time you saw each other"

"yeah, that's true" jimin paused before gasping. "oh my god i hadn't realized that, we're so dumb, i guess we wanted to become like we used to too quickly"

"i literally told you that" replied Hoseok.

"You do not have the right to talk to me about relationships as you didn't explain your date with yoongi" answered Jimin.

"You went on a date and didn't even tell us ? oh wow this is what friendship is like ? okay" replied Seokjin with a fake hurt expression.

"it's nothing, we've just been seeing each other"

"and nothing happened ?" asked Namjoon.

"nothing, i would've told you if it did, anyways Jimin you have yet another chance dont fuck it up this time" continued Hoseok.

"I'll try to" replied Jimin.


"Jimin texted you" said Jungkook, he had the other man's phone right in front of him so he was the one to notice it.

"What? why would he text me?" answered a lost Taehyung.

"Just go read it" told him Yoongi.

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