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"Goodbye mom, bye dad" said Taehyung hugging his parents. It was the last time he'll see them before spending 3 months at highschool without being able to go back home.

His parents had chosen a high school in Seoul, schools were better there and his friends were going there too so it was perfect.

He was a bit stressed, anxious to leave his parents but he was still excited to start this new part of his life. Also, his best friends were going there too which made everything better and easier.

Few days later, Taehyung was in his new room, with his new roommates, who happened to be his best friends. He felt a bit sad because he wouldn't see his parents but they called each other pretty much every day so it was fine. The stress was long gone and he was only feeling excited. He lived with his best friends in the dorms of one of the best high schools in Seoul, his high school years looked promising. He started school a few days later and he was happy, everything was perfect he couldn't dream about having a better life.

Jimin also started high school, also in a very good school in Seoul, not too far from Taehyung's, but he didn't know that. His friends went to the same school so it was reassuring for him. He also felt happy, he had everything he needed and couldn't ask for more.

They all had to sign up to a club or extra classes, dance, piano, sports, they had a lot of choice.

All of Seoul's high schools were teaming and created these big clubs where students from all different schools could sign up in. It was a way for the schools to keep the clubs always full and a great way to make the students meet new people.

Jimin and his friends went to the office to sign up to the clubs they wanted to take part in, he chose the dance club, he had been dancing since he was a kid and he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. But then he felt weird. He felt like something wasn't in place. or maybe that something came back to place. It was a weird feeling. He felt his heart clench in his chest, he didn't know what was happening, but he felt something.

He brushed it off and thought he was just a bit tired as he waited for his friends to finish so he could go back home and lie down a bit.

At the same time, Taehyung was arriving to that same office, it was a big building, the hall was huge and there were a lot of students there.

Once he stepped in, he also felt weird, he sensed that something was wrong. or maybe right? what was that feeling that made his whole body ache ?

He chose to go back to the dorms and come back another day with his friends. He quickly forgot about that feeling thinking it was just because there were a lot of people in a closed space which made him feel uncomfortable.


At the end of class Jimin met up with his friends in a cafe in the center of Seoul. It's something they have been doing since Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok went to highschool, it was somewhere right between their homes and their schools. The perfect place to meet up before going back home.

They had ordered and sat down next to the windows as usual, Jimin again felt weird, he felt like something was about to happen but he didn't know what.

"I was just like ? no don't touch me man we're not frie-" Jimin stopped mid-sentence. He was looking at someone who was ordering at the counter. It was a tall blue haired man. None of his friends recognized him. Jimin kept staring at the man waiting for him to turn around, he couldn't believe who he thought it was, he had to see if it was really him.

Taehyung went to a coffee next to his school, when he came in, he felt like he was so stressed his stomach was aching. He didn't have any reason to be stressed but it felt like he was. He didn't understand. Until he had finished ordering and turned around. A small pink haired man was looking right at him. Staring at him even. He knew him. He could recognize his features easily.

"Let's go taehyung we're gonna be late" said Yoongi while grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the cafe.

Taehyung didn't move, he kept staring at the man until he was out, he was in shock and just followed the tiny man pulling him out.

"Taehyung!" shouted Jungkook.

"yeah yeah what ?" replied Taehyung, making his mind and thoughts come back to place.

"what did you see? why didn't you answer us?"

"nothing, i thought i saw someone but it was just probably my imagination"

"oh okay, let's go then my mom's waiting hurry" answered Jungkook.

Jimin also kept staring until the other man left. He was sure it was him. Taehyung. It was Taehyung. He could recognize his smile. Why didn't he get up. Did he just lose him again when he didn't even get him back?

He got up, packed his stuff and went back home telling his friends he didn't feel well.


"mom i'm telling you i saw him ! and you know what ! he has blue hair ! and i have pink hair ! mom we're really soulmates ! we dyed our hair the same colors we used to play with when we were younger !"

"baby are you sure it was him? you haven't seen him in 8 years" replied Jimin's mother.

"No i'm sure mom, it was taetae. I'm gonna go to the cafe everyday i need to see him again. I miss him"

"then i hope you'll see him again minie"


After that, Jimin went to the cafe every day, hoping he would see his long lost soulmate . But he never did. Taehyung never showed up again.

Jimin was starting dance classes, he was excited, but he had to go to another building because there were no dance practice rooms in his high school.

He just had to walk 15 minutes before getting there, which gave him the time to get ready mentally for his classes.

His first class was perfect, he liked the teacher and the atmosphere, but they were missing few students who would join them for the next class and when Jimin was told that, he felt weird again. Fortunately for him, Hoseok was also taking that class and was there to reassure him.

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